
Knee replacement surgery, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a common procedure for people with knee arthritis. It can help relieve pain and allow you to resume an active lifestyle. If you’ve been diagnosed with knee arthritis, knee replacement might be an option for you. The surgery removes damaged cartilage and replaces it with a prosthetic (artificial) piece that is designed to last much longer than the natural cartilage did. Read on to learn more about the Knee Replacement procedure, the recovery time after a knee replacement, and what you should know before going through with this surgery.
What Is a Knee Replacement?
A knee replacement is an operation in which the surfaces of the knee joint are replaced with artificial materials. The purpose of the operation is to relieve pain and stiffness in the knee by replacing the worn-out or damaged surfaces of the joint with synthetic materials. The surfaces of the joint that are removed are the upper surface of the tibia (the bone of the lower leg) and the lower surface of the knee cap (the patella) and the joint surface between the upper part of the femur (the thigh bone) and the lower part of the knee-cap. The new surfaces that are put into the joint are made of metal alloys or a combination of metal and plastic.
When Should You Get a Knee Replacement?
If you have severe pain in your knee joint and previous treatments, such as medications and injections, have not worked, you may consider knee replacement surgery. If you are over 45 years old and have osteoarthritis of the knee, you are more likely to get a knee replacement.
How is a Knee Replacement Performed?
During knee replacement surgery, the surgeon cuts away the damaged portions of the knee joint and replaces them with a prosthetic knee joint made of metal alloys or a combination of metal and plastic. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision in your knee, removes the damaged cartilage and bone, and places the prosthetic joint inside your knee joint. The incision is closed with stitches or surgical staples.
Recovery Time After Knee Replacement Surgery
You will likely spend one night in the hospital after surgery. You will then be discharged with a knee brace and crutches to aid in your recovery. You will be prescribed physical therapy to help you recover and increase mobility. The recommended recovery time is between six and 12 months after knee replacement surgery. Your knee replacement stitches will be removed after a week or two. You will notice swelling and stiffness in your knee joint after surgery, which is completely normal. It is recommended to not put any weight on your knee until it has healed from surgery. While you are recovering from knee replacement surgery, you will likely experience pain and swelling. These are expected side effects of the surgery. You can help manage this pain with medications. You can return to your normal activities within six to 12 months after surgery. Your doctor will determine when you are ready to return to your normal activities.
What to Expect After Knee Replacement Surgery
Pain is the most common side effect of knee replacement surgery. It is important to manage your pain with medications to help you recover. Swelling and stiffness in your knee are common, but they will go away as your knee heals. It can take several months for your knee to fully heal after surgery. Other possible side effects of knee replacement surgery include infection, blood clots, stiffness, and an abnormal walking pattern. You can help avoid these side effects by following your doctor’s instructions during your recovery period. The outcome of knee replacement surgery varies from person to person. Some people will have pain relief after surgery, while others may not see any improvement. There is a chance that you may need additional knee replacement surgery.
Side Effects of Knee Replacements
Blood clots Infection Increased swelling and stiffness in knee joint Excessive scarring Bleeding around the knee joint Fractures around the knee joint Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
Dr. Jhurani performs revision of hip and knee replacement procedures. His postoperative recovery recommendations will be individualized to each patient based on the extent of their injuries and age. This can vary greatly, even between patients with similar injuries. Following surgery, Dr. Jhurani advises patients to follow his recovery schedule as closely as possible. This includes daily physical therapy and monitoring progress with X-rays, ultrasound, and other diagnostic tools. After six months, complete recovery is expected unless there is an underlying medical condition that needs further treatment. If you are interested in having joint replacement surgery, Dr. Jhurani is happy to discuss your options with you. He will provide information about the procedure as well as recovery time frames so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it is right for you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jhurani at one of our locations in Jaipur, India.