
Hearing loss is a common problem. A lot of Americans are suffering because of it. Various causes trigger this ailment. The most frequent of them are age-related changes, from which no one is protected. Nevertheless, whatever the cause of hearing loss, it leads to a sharp decrease in the quality of life. Hearing loss affects all aspects of everyday life, which is why it is so important to notice the appearance of a problem in time to start its treatment. Today there are effective and safe methods. They'll help you restore your lost hearing. The sooner you notice the onset of hearing loss, the sooner you'll regain the lost ability to hear. Let's find out, how to track the problem in time.
You get tired faster, and irritability appears
The reason for such changes is in the work of the brain. With hearing impairment, the brain gradually rebuilds its work, adapting to the new conditions of limited audibility. Moreover, the brain has to spend more effort and energy to recognize incoming auditory signals in a limited amount, which affects human behavior. It gets tired faster, which is especially evident at work. At the same time, the person becomes more impulsive and irritable.
Asking again during a conversation
Asking again during a conversation becomes the first sign of a problem if the situation occurs more and more often. If you can't understand a specific sound (sh,th), words, or even a phrase, then it's time to visit an audiologist!
Increasing the volume of gadgets
Everything is simple here. When a person hears worse, he tries to compensate by increasing the volume. First of all, it is a TV, phone or music.
Go through a hearing screening
If you suspect a problem, then take an online hearing test to check your hearing acuity. It is free and does not require skills and knowledge in audiology. You'll need equipment for testing (PC or laptop with Internet access, headphones) and desire. Testing will show the presence or absence of a hearing problem. Your further actions will depend on the result of the conducted research.
Gradual isolation from society
A person with hearing loss experiences problems while communicating with others, which leads to isolation from society. Be sure to pass the hearing test if you notice this behavior in your loved one!