
Dr. Vikrant Khanna having tonnes of experience and highly advanced skills for doing all kinds of arthroscopic surgeries. The cost of ACL or PCL Arthroscopic Repair Surgery is in the range of Rs. 1 - 1.5 lacs depending upon the implant used in the surgery. The surgery can be done in daycare, and almost all the patients go home within one of the surgery. Post-surgery rehabilitation is crucial and should continue for 3-6 months to achieve the activity level present before the injury. People in competitive sports need intensive rehab to return to the field with the same gusto. During the last two decades, we had the privilege of serving the residents of Haryana as the ultimate referral center. For patients of Road Traffic accidents, trauma, head injuries, fractures, heart attack, stroke, and many other medical emergencies, Kalyani Hospital has been the beacon of hope. The patients' trust in Kalyani Hospital has meant that the best doctors in the city got associated with our Hospital for providing the best in class medical treatments.