
Our hands perform several important functions in our daily routine. Pain or weakness in hands can limit your ability to drive, dress, cook, write, lift things, etc. A hand injury, especially if it is on your dominant hand can be debilitating. A doctor may first try conventional methods to address weakness, injury, and pain. When these methods don’t work, your doctor may refer you to an orthopaedic hand specialist, who may suggest additional options for addressing specific conditions that are affecting your wrists and hands.
More about Hand Specialists
There are several benefits of consulting orthopaedic hand specialists or plastic hand specialists and receiving treatment from them. A hand specialist is an expert in addressing various conditions which can affect the hand, wrist, and forearm. They use non-invasive measures for diagnosing and treating the condition. If the condition is severe and needs surgery, they will refer you to hand surgeons as they have the training and expertise in operating delicate soft tissue, bones, and nerves making the wrist and hand. Hand specialists sub-specialise in hand, wrist and microsurgery, and may also be trained in orthopaedic or plastic surgery.
If you have happened to injure your hand recently, you might experience some discomfort in the hand and wrist. When the cases of hand pain don’t resolve spontaneously in a few days, your doctor may suggest physiotherapy or occupational therapy by trained hand therapists. A hand specialist has a profound understanding of the complex networks of blood vessels, muscles, nerves, ligaments, tendons, and bones which make up hands and fingers. They work with patients of all ages who are suffering from a hand injury, who have ongoing pain, deformity, stiffness or feelings of pins and needles, and who are experiencing functional issues.
While some hand injuries and conditions are short-termed and go away on their own, others might need treatment. You must connect with the hand specialist in case of the following symptoms:
- Tingling or numbness in the fingers or hands.
- Pain and discomfort even while resting your hand.
- Loss of muscle tone in the hand.
- Routine activities such as brushing hair, cooking become difficult.
- Weak grip or difficulty in holding an item.
- Pain, redness, or swelling, which gets worse with activity.
- Reduced range of motion in hand, wrist, or fingers.
- Pain extending to the elbow.
- Symptoms not improving with rest.
Some symptoms can be an indication of a serious condition such as a fracture or dislocation that needs urgent treatment. These consist of swelling, severe pain, bruising, deformity, inability to move hand or wrist.
Some Common Conditions Affecting The Hand
Your hands are vulnerable to several types of injuries. In some cases, pain, swelling, and bruising can develop immediately following an injury. Other conditions can be due to repetitive movements that place stress on nerves, joints, and tendons.
Arthritis can affect joints anywhere in the body. In fact, it is the most common reason for stiffness, pain, and loss of function and mobility. There are several other conditions or injuries which affect hands, such as:
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Trigger finger
- DeQuervain's tenovaginitis
- Thumb/wrist/finger arthritis
- Duputren’s contracture
- Ganglion cysts
- Ligament injuries
If you are suffering from pain, disability, or limited range of motion, it is time to see an orthopaedic hand specialist. Never ignore pain or injury as it can pose big issues in the long term. However, make sure that you choose a reputed and experienced specialist who is an expert in the field. This will make sure that you get assured results and the right treatment. You can explore the orthopaedic options online or ask for references from friends and family.