
ADHD Adult Test: Common Conditions That May Be Related to ADHD and Blood Pressure
An ADHD assessment for adults is usually a relatively simple process. You can do it quickly and if necessary begin working toward getting support immediately. The main purpose of an ADHD assessment for adults is to see if you may need additional evaluation.
Reasons For ADHD Adults Assessment
The main reason for the ADHD test for adults is that most people with ADHD have low blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Cholesterol is considered a "fat" substance because it clogs the arteries.
Low blood pressure is a common problem for people with ADHD.
If you have both of these symptoms it is time to start checking your HDL and LDL levels.
ADHD Treatment Test
Blood Test
One of the ways an ADHD treatment test can be done is by ordering a blood test from your doctor. This test is fairly simple and involves taking a small amount of blood. You are sent a kit and some instructions about how to do the test. A doctor can do an ADHD testing test of about two hours but results can usually be available in one to three business days.
ADHD Article
You may also be able to order an ADHD article from your doctor. It is referred to as the most popular type of ADHD medication that doctors recommend to help your child with his or her adult symptoms. Since different medications have different effects on different people. You must discuss which medications are right for you with your doctor. It is also important to remember that long term use of ADHD medications such as Strattera can have serious side effects.
Medical Questionnaire Of ADHD
If you have either of these other forms of ADHD you will be asked to complete a questionnaire about your medical history. The questionnaire will include;
Information about your heart disease
Substance abuse, and any other disorders you may have had in the past.
There is not a health condition that is thought to cause ADHD more than another one, so your diagnosis is not based solely on the symptoms of ADHD. ADHD testing can help determine if other conditions need attention.
Type Of ADHD
One type of ADHD that is seen in adults is hyperactivity-impulsivity. This is defined as a mental condition that causes an extremely active response to even small stimuli such as;
Because of this, ADHD is often difficult to diagnose in adults because of the wildcard effect that children often have when it comes to being hyperactive or impulsive. ADHD symptoms in adults are often mistaken for another medical condition, so the proper testing for ADHD must be done to get a correct diagnosis.
Cardiac Hyperactivity Disorder or CTH
Another form of ADHD is known as cardiac hyperactivity disorder or CTH. This is also a serious condition and often results from a genetic defect in the ventricle or the left ventricular chamber. People with ADD are at an increased risk for developing CTH as well as other forms of ADHD due to their faulty ventricle function. Adults with ADD or CTH have an irregular ventricular rhythm that causes the ventricle to beat at a much faster rate. Which leads to a build-up of waste products in the arteries. The build-up of waste products can eventually lead to the formation of a heart attack, heart failure, or pulmonary hypertension.
Connections Between ADHD and Othe Health Issues
There are many possible connections between ADHD and various other health conditions such as;
Heart disease
High cholesterol levels
High blood pressure.
The higher the levels of cholesterol in your body the greater the chances that you may develop some form of ADHD or another disorder such as CTH. A high cholesterol level is known to increase the risk of developing cardiac problems, including coronary heart disease. Medications used to treat ADHD may increase cholesterol levels and also play a role in causing ADHD. Are you suffering from any of these conditions? Then you should consult your doctor to ensure that it is not caused by ADHD alone.
ADHD adults are at risk of many health conditions. The most common related to ADHD is high blood pressure, but they may also be more prone to anxiety and depression than the general population. If you're unsure if your symptoms might point to adult-onset attention deficit disorder, take an adhd adult test.
Would you like some further guidance and support on managing your ADHD? Then you should contact your local experienced ADHD specialist for an Online ADHD assessment to improve your understanding of the disorder and know what treatment method is fit for you or them.