
Learn More about Glaucoma Clinic
Glaucoma is a condition that affects the optic nerve that transmits visual information to the brain. It's the second most common reason for blindness. Your eyes produce a liquid known as aqueous humour. It regulates the pressure inside your eyes. If it is not draining effectively because the channels for drainage are blocked, then the force inside the watch can be excessive. In some instances, inadequate circulation of blood can cause damage to your optic nerve, which can result in glaucoma.
It is vital to be aware that there aren't any symptoms in the beginning stages of Glaucoma; however, it is diagnosed during a routine eye exam. It is sometimes described as the sneak stealer of sight for this reason. The optic nerve could be as much as 40 percent damaged before you begin to notice any visual loss. It is crucial to detect the problem early. The damage that is caused can't be reversed. If it is discovered early, the problem can be treated, and further injury can be avoided.
The most significant risk factors are older than 45, having diabetes and nearsightedness. Farsightedness is an injury to the eye and familial history of glaucoma.
Different Types of Glaucoma
Primary open-angle glaucoma
It is the most popular type of Glaucoma. Its frequency also increases as you age. The drainage channels become blocked as time passes, creating pressure inside the eye. The resultant loss of vision occurs primarily at the peripheral part of the eye, which many people overlook until the loss has a direct impact on their central vision.
Angle-closure glaucoma
Contrary to open-angle Glaucoma, glaucoma with angle closure symptoms are apparent, and damage is seen rapidly. It is a rare kind of glaucoma that can cause blurred vision, pain, headaches, nausea, and sudden vision loss. There have been reports of seeing halos in the vicinity of lights. The condition is usually seen within 24 to 48 hours due to an exceptionally rapid increase in pressure within the eye. If treated in time, Lasik Surgery in Orange County, CA can be reversed to stop long-term damage.
Normal-Tension Glaucoma
Also known as low-tension or normal pressure, glaucoma optic nerves are affected even though pressure inside the eye isn't very high. In contrast to open-angle glaucoma (OAG), little has been learned about this type of condition. There is a reason why it is believed that the optic nerve could be vulnerable to injury from normal pressure in the eye.
Since this type of glaucoma isn't widely recognized, there are a variety of tests performed by optometrists to identify the problem, whether using an ophthalmoscope or an eye field test.
Normal tension glaucoma is typically treated by keeping the pressure in the eyes as little as possible with medications and laser therapy or traditional surgical procedures. Twenty percent of patients with glaucoma suffer from this kind of condition.
If you're above the 45-year-old mark, it is vital to visit an eye doctor at least once per year to ensure that your eyes are healthy. There's a reason why Glaucoma is often referred to as the sneak stealer of sight your optic nerve might be affected at any time, and you won't be aware of it. Be cautious and remember if detected at an early stage, glaucoma is easily treated.
Go to Glaucoma Clinic in California eye doctor to get more details about the treatment.