
A lot of people are still afraid to sit on the dental chair because they believe that it is scary and they may feel intense pain or discomfort. The same happens when they see the instruments that are used by the dentists except one and that is the dental mirror. These are important because it helps the dentist to look into your cavity carefully and see everything clearly. Your expert can never give you a proper check up without the mirror. Let’s look into the specifications of the Mirror used by the dentist.
This instrument is not like the normal one but it has some different specifications for which the dentist needs it rather than choosing the normal one. These are concave mirrors that have curved reflecting surfaces and the image on the mirror is always virtual and bigger in size. When this mirror is used by the dentist, he brings it close to the cavity and the picture gets much larger than its original shape & size. As the mirror is moved away from the cavity, the image gets smaller by the distance. So, we can say that the concave mirror has the inward recessed surface that helps the inward reflection of light to one focal point. One of the main things that justifies the reason for choosing the concave mirror is that it shows you different images depending upon the distance between the mirror and the object.
Hence, when you make a visit to your dentist even for regular cleaning or for some particular treatment program, you will see a small hand held device that has a concave Lens used by the dentist to assist with proper examination of the patient. You can even ask your dentist about it and confirm the main reason behind it. They will tell you that dentistry starts with a clear picture of what is hiding behind your teeth and in the roots. If you fail to notice the decay under the tooth, the gum issues, the caries, then there is no further route to treatment and the patient may get worse complications if left untreated on time.
As it's not easy for the doctor to get an exact situation of your dental cavity with the normal vision, he/she has to use the dental mirror to take that exact picture and see the underlying cause for your pain and discomfort. It will turn everything easy for the dentist to begin with and let him advise the best treatment plan to his patient. Also, it will help the patient to get rid of that pain and discomfort quickly as the diagnosis is fast and the treatment is best.