
Only in situations with higher temperatures do intermediate compositions of the alkali feldspars arise because potassium and sodium F are not perfectly miscible in the melt at low temperatures. At the highest temperatures, sanidine is stable, while at the lowest, microcline. Due to the exsolution of different alkali F compositions during the cooling of an intermediate composition, perthite is a typical texture in alkali Feldspar. With the naked eye, one can discern the perthitic textures in the alkali F of many granites. While cryptoperthitic textures can only be viewed using an electron microscope, microperthitic textures can be seen in crystals using a light microscope. Tetrahedra made of aluminosilicate serve as the foundation for F crystal structure. An aluminium or silicon ion is surrounded by four oxygen ions to form each tetrahedron. Each A neighbouring tetrahedron shares an oxygen ion to create a three-dimensional network.
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