
The microscopic study of blood using blood films has been the mainstay of diagnosing malaria.Urine and saliva have also been studied as prospective, less invasive alternatives to blood, which is normally used as the specimen for diagnosis.
Although polymerase chain reactions and antigen tests have recently been developed, they are not routinely employed in regions where malaria is widespread. A history of subjective fever is typically the primary indicator to treat for malaria in areas that cannot afford laboratory testing methods. Commercial antigen detection techniques that just need a drop of blood are available for use in regions where microscopy is not available or where laboratory staff lacks experience Malaria Diagnostics. Tests for immunochromatography have been created, made available, and field-tested. These exams They are suited for use in the field since they employ finger-stick or venous blood, take 15-20 minutes to complete, and can be read visually by determining whether or not colourful stripes are present on the dipstick.
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