Predicting future based on your birth date - an astrological practice
Predicting future based on your birth date - an astrological practice
Astrology is a belief according to which the position of celestial bodies impacts every human’s life differently. Astrology is the means by which the particular planetary position in a person’s birth chart is revealed.

Astrology is a belief according to which the position of celestial bodies impacts every human’s life differently. Astrology is the means by which the particular planetary position in a person’s birth chart is revealed.

This position of planets decides the ascendant sign, sun sign, and moon sign of an individual. In Vedic astrology, predictions are also made based on the ascendant sign. There is a new term called Western astrology; it is used to make predictions based on a person’s sun sign.

However, Vedic and Western astrology uses different factors to forecast a person’s life. In Wester nastrology, the Sun sign is the most prominent in determining someone’s fate,behavior, and overall life. In Vedic astrology, the same aspects are defined using the Moon sign of that person or the ascendant sign since, as per the belief, the Moon is the deeper and hidden side of a person than the Sun sign.

All these signs can only be known through your date of birth, and hence DOB is important for astrological calculations.

Zodiac signs have a very significant value in astrology. They are used to determine particular Dashas,Doshas, and Yogas that a person would go through in this lifetime. The date of birth is another foundation that gives an idea about how the future of an entity will be.

Other than astrology,numerology also uses someone’s date of birth to predict his future. Since numerology is all about numbers, the date of birth is a significant factor in this segment. There are different calculators by which one can get to know about his future predictions. However, getting assisted by a professional astrologer tends to provide the most accurate reading. You may be asked to enter your name as well, along with your date of birth, before you get the astrological prediction regarding the future.

A person can find out the Doshas such as Kaalsarp Dosha and Mangalik Dosha if any of these is present in his horoscope chart. The prediction also describes the seriousness of the Doshaand for how long one will have to suffer from it.

Predicting the future also defines if one will enjoy worldly pleasures because using the date of birth, aperson’s planetary position can be identified. It is believed that a person who has done good karma in the past life receives all the stars and planets in his favor. This kind of person has very few sufferings and majorly enjoys wealth,good health, and a long life with a beautiful partner and supportive children.

Other than astrology and numerology, there are various other ways that predict a person’s future. Tarot reading, palmistry, and face reading are some of such methods. The date of birth is not just used for forthcoming predictions, but it also lets the person know his personality, strengths, and weaknesses.

In fact, in China as well,numbers are of the utmost importance. According to people there, when the Universe wants to communicate with us, it gives us signs in numbers. Such as if a person sees number 8 repeatedly, it means that he may succeed, and all his efforts will be answered. Similarly, every number from 1 to 9 has a particular meaning, and we can unlock many mysteries if we closely observe these numbers.

A person’s date of birth determines his Sun sign or in which sign Sun was at the time of his birth. For instance, people born between October 21 and November 20 come under the Scorpio sign, their Sun sign. Scorpios are deep and emotional people; on the one hand,where they can always be independent, they may be emotionally dependant on their closed ones.

This way, every zodiac sign defines every person’s character or traits. Birth date plays a major role in determining the zodiac sign and other celestial information about that individual.

Zodiac sign according to your date of birth based on Western astrology:

·        Aries Zodiac Sign: March 21 to April 20.

·        Taurus Zodiac Sign: April 21 to May 21.

·        Gemini Zodiac Sign: May 22 to June 21.

·        Cancer Zodiac Sign: June 22 to July 22.

·        Leo Zodiac Sign: July 23 to August 21.

·        Virgo Zodiac Sign: August 22 to September 23.

·        Libra Zodiac Sign: September 24 to October 23.

·        Scorpio Zodiac Sign: October 24 to November 22.

·        Sagittarius Zodiac Sign: November 23 to December 22.

·        Capricorn Zodiac Sign: December 23 to January 20.

·        Aquarius Zodiac Sign: January 21 to February 19.

·        Pisces Zodiac Sign: February 20 to March 20.

Since Vedic astrology makes conclusions based on the moon sign, you need date of birth and time of birth to determine your moon sign.

Astropedia is one such platform that you can utilize for birth date astrology. Several tools available there edify you about the planetary position, zodiac sign, lucky number, and many more things.