
Non-surgical skin tightening methods can effectively tighten more easily wrinkled or slightly lax skin anywhere on your body. Wrinkled, loose skin on your body can appear at virtually any age, however is usually increased significantly as you age. Ultherapy is the only U.S. FDA-cleared, non-invasive procedure that lifts the neck, chin and brow, and improves lines and wrinkles on the upper chest.
One of the most common non-surgical skin tightening methods and the one most commonly used, involves using lasers to stimulate collagen production inside the skin. Collagen is a natural protein that help to give your skin firmness, and a tightness that you see is the product of collagen being stimulated. When lasers are used to stimulate collagen, it is not only naturally occurring, but it is also produced by the human body itself, which is why stimulating collagen internally can be beneficial. However, in order to achieve the most dramatic results with this method, it is important to find a doctor who will do the laser treatment, as well as work alongside you to ensure that you also eat a proper diet.
Another method that is becoming popular as a non-invasive non-surgical skin tightening method, involves non-invasive cosmetic procedures (NIP). NIP treatments typically involve certain types of microdermabrasion and laser treatments that remove the wrinkles from the skin. These treatments will result in immediate noticeable differences. These changes are usually not seen with other methods, and the changes tend to be long-term. With NIP, the wrinkles are gone for good in about six weeks.
A third type of non-invasive treatment that is used to help people to tighten skin is laser resurfacing. This method of skin-tightening procedure relies on a high-energy light that is applied to the skin. By using the high-intensity light, it causes a breakdown of the collagen and elastin in your skin, which causes it to begin to dissipate. After the breakdown has taken place, the cells within the dermis begin to replenish themselves, and this rejuvenation process reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
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