Kidney Stone medicine
Kidney Stone medicine
kidney stone medicine, kidney stone ayurvedic medicine, ayurvedic medicine for kidney stone, kidney stone treatment

Ayurvedic medicine for Kidney stone

Introduction: kidney stone medicine

Another remarkable product Marc URO-5 is best for removing kidney stones. It is developed by CSIR-NBRI scientists with Marc Lab. It is clinically approved for treating Urolithiasis, Nephrolithiasis, and Post-Lithotripsy. Marc URO-5 is formulated on Pashanbheda, Daruharidra, Amrita, Bhuiamla, and Goksharu. Due to purely make of ayurvedic herbs, it has no side effects.

Benefits of Marc Uro-5: kidney stone medicine

  • They are used herbs to make Marc URO-5. Ayurveda explores Nature’s profits. Therefore, you will get herbal benefits from this product.
  • It has been developed by CSIR-NBRI and Marc Lab. We are recognized for authenticity. So, we always release medicines in the market after clinical approval.
  • From the great scientists of CSIR and NBRI, the formula is developed. Therefore, it is scientifically tested.


Marc URO-5 is specially made for disintegrating stones developed in the kidney and bladder or urinary tract. It eases the urine flow to remove the particles of stones outside the body. After Lithotripsy, a shock wave method to treat kidney stones, slower recovery is the main drawback. Marc URO-5 helps in faster recovery of the body. It can crush

kidney stones, bladder stones, and other urinary tract stones.

Therefore, it is applicable in the following conditions:

  • 1. Urolithiasis
  • 2. Nephrolithiasis
  • 3. Post-Lithotripsy


Each 500 mg tablet of URO-5 contains Pashanbheda (rhizome), Amrita (stem), Daruharidra (root), Bhuiamla (whole plant), Goksharu (fruit).

How it works:

URO-5 breaks kidney/bladder/urinary tract stones efficiently. It eases the urine flow to expel out the stones.

How to use:

Take one URO-5 tablets two times a day, or as directed by the physician.


  • Pashanbheda (Bergenia ligulata) is largely known for curing urinary calculi. It is found in the Himalayas. In URO-5, basically, the rhizome part of this herb is used. The rhizome part contains Tannic acid, antioxidant Flavonoids, Lactone, gallic acid, and Benzenoids. Its antioxidant decreases the effect of free radicals. Lactone is widely known for diuretic function. Therefore, Pashanbheda is useful for removing out urinary stones and preventing recurrence of the same.
  • Amrita herb is also called Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). It is a wide source of Alkaloids, Terpenoids, Steroids, and Lignans. URO-5 tablet uses the stem part of Amirta. As we know Giloy is a natural fever killer and can cure chronic fever. Amrita herb also contains diuretic properties. Therefore, it becomes important in the treatment of Urolithiasis, Nephrolithiasis, and Post-Lithotripsy conditions.
  • Daruharidra (Berberis aristata) is known for the treatments of jaundice, leprosy, fever, and rheumatism. They used the root part of Daruharidra in Uro-5, which is good for healing wounds. It is also able to reduce blood cholesterol and sugar levels. The anti-psoriatic, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory properties of Daruharidra make it an important ingredient.
  • Bhuiamla (Phyllanthus niruri) is another key ingredient of URO-5 to give a significant effect on kidney stones and urogenital diseases. That is why it is also known as a stonebreaker. In this tablet, the extract of the whole Bhuiamla plant is used. This plant is rich in saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, and tannins. This herb also possesses anti-helminthic, laxative, diuretic, and anit-viral activities. In the body, Bhuiamla also stops the formation of stones in the urinary tract.
  • Goksharu (Tribulus terrestris) is a natural medicine for urinary calculi, dysuria, constipation, and many other diseases. In the URO-5 tablet, the extract of Goksharu fruit is used. It has anti-lithiasis properties, which makes Goksahru effective against urinary calculi. It also relieves the body from painful urination because it has diuretic properties.

Quick advice:

  • Complete the course without skipping any dose.
  • Discontinue URO-5 if you find any difficulty after having consumption.
  • It is safe to eat URO-5 tablet prior to or after the meal.
  • No side effects of Marc URO-5.
  • For prescription, you can consult the doctor.

Safe in:


The driving ability of a person does not change due to Marc URO-5.


Safe/Physician consultation
This ayurvedic medicine Marc URO-5 is made for treating kidney stones. But in other problems than the indications, doctor consultancy should be needed.


Consult to Physician
Physician’s consultation is required to use Marc URO-5 if the patient has problems in the liver.

When to stop using Marc URO-5?
It depends upon the size of the stones. Consult your doctor at least one time a month and diagnose your status of stones. Stop using Marc URO-5 only after the doctor’s consultation.

How Marc URO-5 works?
Its ingredients disintegrate stones made in the listed indications gradually. The particles of stones flow out through urine. Stones in the urinary system cause enormous pain during urination. Marc URO-5 also reduces the pain and eases urination.

Can I take Vitamin B complex with Marc URO-5?
Consult the doctor before adding a supplement with that.

What are other suggestions for taking Marc URO-5?
Drink water in a minimum amount of 1.8 liters and increase it up to 3.6 liters per day. Water helps to dilute the urine and makes a fast flow.

Can I take painkillers with Marc URO-5?
Marc URO-5 also reduces pain. But take painkillers only after the doctor’s prescription.

Manufacturing address:
MARC Laboratories Ltd. 78, I.D.C. Mahrauli Road, Gurugram, Haryana 122001