Is Bone Grafting Always Necessary Before Dental Implantation?
Is Bone Grafting Always Necessary Before Dental Implantation?
Dental Implant surgery in some people requires bone grafting .So a dentist considers the best examination before he starts dental implantation.

For this purpose, you can go to the dental clinic Toronto and find out if you need bone grafting for your dental implant. The mandible will generally degenerate at the ends of the jaw by prolonged stretching and emptying. In implant surgery, the transplant will be performed if a dentist realizes the jaw bone has degenerated. A dental implant specialist who performs bone grafting in Toronto argues that dental implants won’t work without bone grafting for those not having dense jawbones

Risks of Implant Surgery

Like any surgery,dental implants carry health risks. Although problems are rare, they can usually be easily treated if they occur.

Risks of implant surgery include the following:

_Infection at the implant site

_surrounding structures and other teeth or blood vessels may damage

_Nerve damage, which can cause pain, numbness or itch in your natural teeth and gums

_Sinus problems. A dental implant may penetrate one of your sinus cavities. In this case, the bone in the sinus surface gets denser by bone grafting.

Dental implantation process

Dental implant surgeryis usually outpatient surgery and takes a specific time for the recovery. Theimplant placement process involves several steps, including:

_Infected rootsremoval

_If necessary, jawbonegrafting

_Dental implantsPlacement

_Bone growth and thehealing process

_Abutment placement

_Artificial teethplacement

The whole process cantake many months from start to finish. Most of that time is spent on healing,and the patient should wait for the new bone to grow in his jaw. And dependingon your situation, sometimes some steps can be combined.

When do we need a bonegrafting?

If your jawbonedensity is not enough or its tissue is too soft, you may need bone graftingbefore your dental implant surgery. This is because your mouth's chewing actionputs a lot of pressure on your bones, and if the jaw bone can’t support theimplant, the surgery will probably fail. Bone grafting can provide a strongerfoundation for implants.

Bone grafting indental implant

Several bone marrowtransplants can be used to repair jawbone. Options may include natural bonegrafts. It means the dentist takes bone marrow from a part of your body. Orartificial bone grafts, which can support structures for new bone growth. Talkto your dentist about the options that will work best for you.

It may take severalmonths for the new bone graft to support the dental implant. In some cases, youonly need a partial bone graft, which can be performed simultaneously withimplant surgery. Your jaw condition determines how your surgery will continue.

Dental implantsplacement

During surgery fordental implants, your surgeon will make an incision to open the gums and exposethe bone. The holes are drilled into the bone where the metal part of the toothimplant is placed. This will act as the tooth root and is implanted deep in thebone.

During this process,the jawbone grows and unites with the dental implant surface. It can takeseveral months and helps create a solid foundation for your new teeth, justlike the root of your natural teeth.