
Reckless driving is a common cause of serious motor vehicle accidents that result in catastrophic injuries and fatalities in Virginia and elsewhere. Reckless driving is a crime in the state, and there are various guidelines one must be aware of when driving on Virginia roads.
What is reckless driving in Virginia?
According to Virginia reckless driving law, Any person who drives their vehicle on any highway at a speed higher than the applicable maximum speed limit or in a manner as to endanger the life or property of any person is guilty of reckless driving. The reckless driving statute in Virginia is defined under the Regulation of Traffic Code in the law as § 46.2–862.
What are the penalties for reckless driving?
The maximum penalties are:
Would you be convicted of reckless driving if it’s the first offense?
People charged with Virginia reckless driving often wonder whether they will be treated with leniency if it is their first offense.
No, you will not be treated with leniency, as reckless driving in Virginia is a criminal offense. First offenders are penalized, including fines, license suspension, and jail time.
However, your punishment for reckless driving varies based on the facts of your case, the driving record, and the local judge who hears your case.
But let us look at each one of the possible penalties.
Potential jail time
Jail is a possible punishment for Virginia’s reckless driving. However, most people do not go to jail for their reckless tickets. Jail punishment is not imposed until 95 mph speed. If you drive at a speed of 100 mph, then be ready for 12 months of jail time.
However, the jail threshold differs from area to area, so discussing your case with an attorney is better.
License suspension
Another penalty for reckless driving is a six-month driver’s license suspension. It does not happen in the average reckless driving case but is possible in higher-speed cases.
In some cases, suspended driver’s licenses are authorized a restricted licenses. It permits you to drive for specific purposes, like going to work, taking your children to school, and visiting a doctor.
Fines for reckless driving
As per the Virginia reckless driving law, the specific fine depends on various factors. Generally, the maximum penalty is $2,500.
Depending on all facts of the case, the average reckless driving fine in the neighborhood can be $300 to $1,000.
Virginia law gives you a time of 30 days to pay your fines. However, you can ask the court for a more extended payment deadline if you need additional time.
Demerit points
Virginia has a complicated point system for drivers. Everyone starts from zero; if you get no tickets in a year, you get a +1 point. Positive points are good in Virginia.
The best record is a +5 balance. It is the maximum number of allowable good points.
When you get a ticket for reckless driving, the court assesses demerit points against you, which is DMV 6. The conviction will remain on your driving record for 11 years.
Suppose you accumulate too many demerit points quickly. In that case, DMV may send you to a driver improvement clinic or suspend your license altogether.
These are General Guidelines for Reckless Driving in Virginia. If you are convicted of reckless driving, talk to an expert attorney to discuss your case. At S & R Law Firm, the experienced team helps you through the overwhelming experience. Contact them for an in-person or phone consultation.
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