
Hey! Areyou new to e-commerce development? Does after much deliberation you have landto Shopify development and now are looking to accelerate the pace of youronline business with its key features and functionalities? Being a novice thereare chances that things may go wrong if not focused upon carefully. Though Shopify web development can contribute a significant part insolidifying your online business presence still there are certain commonmistakes that should be avoided to stand out amongst your competitors.
Fewof them are listed below!
1. Non-Uniform theme color
AShopify development theme is rich enough to bring an enchanting look to yourwebsite but what should be concentrated on is bringing consistency in the look.For instance, all the clickable links can be of the same color. You need tochoose wisely the theme that would be the most suitable for your Shopify webdevelopment and emphasis more on uniformity and consistency.
2. Ignoring the soft launch ofyour site
Forpopularizing your Shopify development store the right strategy would be to givethe site a soft launch rather than a grand opening. This would enable you toget relevant feedback and accordingly make necessary changes to avoid pitfalls.
3. Ignoring multiple-paymentsoption
Youshould set up multiple payment options to provide the clients with thecomfortability. By not doing this you would restrict the client and he may justavoid your services because of lack of relevant payment options. Setting upmultiple-payment options would not only ensure the confidence of the customerson your store but also increase the rate of conversion.
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4. In-efficient check out page
Thoughthe first impression may hold significant importance, the last impression tooleaves an indelible impact on the user’s mind. Your check-out page should notlook an odd extension of your site. Shopify provides you with limited themesfor the check-out page thus it is advisable to yourself try each and decidewhich one would be the most suitable for your clients. Along with this makesure that the font and style are in consistency with the rest of the website.
5. Ignoring mobile apps
Thereare several Shopify development companies that have realized the importance ofmobile apps for their client’s business. If you are ignoring this very aspectthen there are chances that you would lose to attract a handsome amount ofclients. Along with effective marketing strategies, you can increase yourmobile traffic and engage a huge amount of population. Thus consider launchingthe mobile application of your business too.
Thereare certain Shopify development companies who neglect the above vital points asa result of which their clients are not able to fetch the best from theironline business. If you are new to this domain you should always keep the abovepoints in your mind and think accordingly so that you can have a good start toinitiate a smooth business journey.
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