
Chlorophyllin is using as an additive to medicines orfood colouring, which can be taken with meals as a supplement. Chlorophyll isthat the natural substance present in green plants that provides them withtheir colour. So it helps plants to soak up energy from the sun as they undergothe method of photosynthesis.
This edible is found in green vegetables andother plant-based foods, like algae. The greener the vegetable is the good itschlorophyll content.
For more than 50 decades, Chlorophyllin isused to treat bad-smelling wounds & it is used to speed up slowhealing.
It’s semi-synthetic, water-soluble, but it isnot fat-soluble. At the same time, if we talk about Chlorophyll, itis a natural substance in plants & is naturally in oil-soluble form.
We only can use Chlorophyll in the limited application. That’s whyChlorophyll is always converted into Chlorophyllin.
Why we needto Conversion
Chlorophyll is always in oil-soluble form,but unfortunately, it can not be used in as much application, so we convert itinto a water-soluble form so we can use it in as much application as possible.
And To convert chlorophyll to chlorophyllin,we put it through a process called ‘saponification. During this process,non-water-soluble are removed. So As a result, pigment is water-soluble andappears slightly more vibrant in colour than the first chlorophyll. It is oftenutilized in applications like hard candies and boiled sweets.
Dosage& Warning
The appropriate dose of chlorophyllin dependson various factors like the Individual age, health, & various otherconditions. At present there’s not enough scientific information about how muchdosage should be consider of chlorophyllin. So you should contact your generalphysician or doctor before using it
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