
We help you personally rehabilitate drug addiction in Delhi
If you are personally suffering from a drug/narcotic addiction, and realize that you require help, as you can’t beat the addiction on your own, then you do require the help of a drug rehab center Delhi. The truth is that, not a single addict on earth has beaten drug addiction on his/her own. The reality of the situation is so severe, and most people don’t realize it, however medical science realizes it and terms addiction as a ‘disease’. This is not a matter of ‘willpower’ and getting over it on one’s own. Professional doctors who deal with drug/narcotic related addictions know full well that addictions are called a ‘disease’ because the patient is also referred to as the ‘victim’, has no control over the addiction.
Professional help fordrug addiction in Delhi;
We at Sanctum Wellness and Healing provide you with the personalized service that you require in Delhi, in the most modern and comfortable settings. Today it is a legal requirement that to provide rehabilitation to a person their personal consent is required. Furthermore, a person cannot be held in rehabilitation against their will. The reason we mention this very important information above here is because, the methods of rehabilitation over the years has changed significantly. Today, as a strictly followed legal requirement across the entire rehabilitation wing of medicine in India, the patients written consent, consenting that they agree to undergo rehabilitation is required. Furthermore, a patient is free to exit rehabilitation at any time they choose. In today’s advanced era, we live in a changed world, you are the patient, and we are here to serve you as medical professionals.
A drug addiction problem is now ‘officially recognized’ as a ‘disease’, there is a reason for that. The medical profession has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt through research that an addict is a patient/victim. He/she has no control, medically/psychologically speaking, to override the grip of the narcotic over his/her psychology at will. Clinical tests on addicts have proven in laboratory test conditions that addicts are not completely under their own control. The neurons triggered by certain narcotics, and the subsequent neurological-linguistic pathways that form/develop after inducing that particular controlled substance/narcotic, were never meant to exist under natural conditions. Prolonged use/ habitual use of the ‘controlled substance/narcotic’ causes these new & unnatural NLP’s to establish themselves firmly, and gradually rewrite the psychology of the individual.
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Whom does drug addiction affect in society?
Technically speaking there is no age group, no gender and no social status associated with drug addiction. There are only ‘addicts/victims’ of this disease. Like any disease, it does not differentiate between any distinction created by man or gender. Addictions are a problem that affects not only the individual but also the entire family, and it becomes a serious problem. Addicts gradually lose their ability to make the best decisions for themselves and their family members. Very often, the conduct of addicts hurt other family members deeply. This leads to damaged relationships, and frustration, depression, anger and other negative emotions dominating the environments of addicts.
There are times when an addict gains his/her mental clarity back for a brief moment of time. At times like this ‘addicts/victims’ themselves are deeply hurt at what they have done, and yet they are helpless. They see their lives have spiraled out of control, affecting their professional and personal life, and ruining every relationship they have. As a result they feel great feelings of remorse, and desperately ask for help to get out of this ‘addiction’. Those are the true feelings of the ‘patient/victim’ who is looking for freedom from this ‘disease’. We at the Sanctum Wellness and Healing addiction center Delhi, bring many patients out from their addictions, and give them back control of their lives.
Sanctum Healing and Wellness explains the ordeal of addiction;
What many family members and friends and others who knew the person before and after addiction don’t realize is that the ‘patient/victim’ is not enjoying the ‘addiction’. They are controlled by it, and are only witnesses to their own behavior. They have no control over it, and are unable to stop themselves from saying and doing whatever they do. Nor are they in control of their own behavior and sometimes, ‘addicts’ are also known to indulge in violence towards others. Such situations can be extremely harmful and dangerous for all involved. A person under the influence of narcotics does not feel, think, react nor act like a normal person. The effects of narcotics are known to cause ‘irrational’ behavior, and such behavior is beyond the control of the victims themselves.
From our own personal experience in the field of rehabilitation, in our drug rehab center Delhi, we know from experience working with victims of drug addiction, that there is not one ‘addict’ who will not be happy to get free from their addiction. No addict enjoys their predicament, because the damage caused by drug addiction is a lot worse for the victim than people realize. Apart from the addiction and the damage to their biology, there is the damage to their lives, profession, and most of all to their personal relationships. The families of ‘patients’ of drug addictions are very often pushed to the edge of sanity, and in some cases end up in confrontation with the ‘addict’. In such situations, addicts are unable to control their own behavior and do not react as the aggressor would like them to act.
Sanctum Wellness and Healing is a drug rehab center in Delhi, we provide help and assistance to victims/patients of drug addiction. We ensure that your information is kept strictly confidential and we are very discreet in our methods of treatment. For more information related to how we can serve you best, do get in touch with us. We help addicts gain freedom from addiction and gain control of their lives back.