How Effective is Scaling and Root Dressing for Gum Disease?
How Effective is Scaling and Root Dressing for Gum Disease?
Every SRP therapy at Premier Periodontics is scheduled according to specific needs to assure our patients get the personalized attention and care they deserve.

How Effective is Scaling and Root Dressing for Gum Disease?

Have you been notified that gum disease is attacking your oralwellness and laughing? Gum infection (periodontal disease) is a well-known oralcondition that causes an illness in the teeth' soft tissues and can lead to aloss in the jawbone. The earliest stage of gum disease, known as gingivitis,can usually be addressed with thorough dental treatment and enhanced oral careat home. However, if the disease progresses to the next grade (periodontitis),gum disease therapy, such as scaling and root planing (SRP) treatment, will likely be required to shield your oralwellness.


To treat the periodontitis grade of gum infection, thespecialists at Premier Periodontics may recommend scaling and root planing treatment. Our periodontal specialistsgive nonsurgical gum infection therapy to patients, ultimately the Bellevue,Redmond, Olympia, Mercer Island, Kirkland Kent, and Everett, WA communities.Read on to learn of the effectiveness of SRP in restraining the disease processand serving to protect the health of your laugh.


What is scaling and root planing?

When gum infection occurs, the smooth tissues besieging theteeth get infected and removed from the tooth surfaces. This creates lowerspaces (called periodontal holes) within the teeth and gums where bacteria, plate,including tartar, store. Scaling and root planing is a therapy performed toclean out these holes, smooth the root coverings, and build a better atmospherethat can enable the gums to recover. Our skilled team uses specific scaling and root planing tools tomanage periodontitis at Premier Periodontics and also provides the bestpossible results for our patients' oral wellness.


When should scaling and root plan befulfilled?

SRP may be supported when a periodontal evaluation or guminfection screening reports evidence of gum disease and the beginning stages ofloss in the jawbone. Our team will measure the areas between the teeth and gumsand take X-rays to assess the quantity of bone surrounding the teeth todiagnose periodontal disease. Though a thorough periodontal exam is needed todiagnose gum disease, several signs and symptoms often show its presence,including:

●    Bad breathing or a sour flavor in the mouth

●    Gums that bleed when you brush

●    Teeth that look to shift or sense relaxed

●    Pus present within your teeth and gums

●    Periodontal holes larger than 3mm inmeasurement

●    Radiographic proof of bone destruction aroundthe teeth


How long do scaling and root planingtake?

Scaling and rootplaning are usually completed within 1 – 4 appointments, depending onthe extent of the situation. We typically operate a portion of the mouth ateach stop, enabling us to thoroughly evacuate plate and tartar coats frombeneath the gum line and wipe out periodontal holes as efficiently as feasible.Every SRP therapy at Premier Periodontics is scheduled according to specificneeds to assure our patients get the personalized attention and care theydeserve.