
Food Trends that has become popular in 2020
From charcoal ice-creams to faux-meat snacks, it has been an exciting year with innovative approaches to explore the science behind food. As the year is on its last leg, it merits the credit for giving way to so many food trends and food science articles that are expected globally in 2020. So what can you expect in the journal of food science next year?
The importance of gut health and its influence on overall well being of an individual is an undeniable truth. The wave of enlightened consumption that is sweeping over the planet has given rise to increasing inclusion of probiotic foodstuffs such as kombucha, kefir, yogurt, vinegar in the everyday diet of people worldwide is added. Due to their popularity, they are finding more and more space in restaurants and food-shelves as people opt for probiotics as a part of their perfect balanced meals.
Flour so ther than wheat
Over the years, people have become much aware of how overconsumption of wheat which has lead to rise in health issues such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity among others. Traditional flours such as amaranth, nachni, corn flour, jowar, bajra have gained popularity because of their low glycemic index and additional nutritional benefits. People today are demanding their products to be made from these super-flours instead of traditionally used refined wheat flour. Over the coming years, the demand is only expected to increase as people moving toward straditional ways of combating their health problems.
Sustainable Foods
The anti-climate change rhetorichas lost all credibility as the entire world is facing unrelenting effects of a rapidly deteriorating nature. Thanks to advocacy given to the issue by prominent public figures, more and more people are educating themselves about the severity of the pandemic situation. A reaction to this could be an increasing shift towards consumption of sustainable foods which includes food that has been cultivated through organic means, without adding stress to the environment with the use of harmful chemicals.
No Sugar
Less sugar is always more in demand. Even the people who have a sweet tooth prefer to have sugar-free that need to be included in their food. Over the years, sugar has become known forits bad-effects on health conditions. The result is that people who want toshift towards a healthier lifestyle prefer to skip sugar and sugary products in their diet. This trend of boycotting sugar will only gain more mileage in 2020and future.
The adoption of veganism is increasing every year gradually. We can expect more people to convert theirhabits to lessen meat in their diet and add more vegetables on their food plate. To meet this demand, the supermarkets and farmer markets will be keeping more plant-based food on their shelves to sell their customers.
Wood Fire Cooking
Wood-fire Cooking is making a come back as a vintage trend that induces a sense of nostalgic pleasure everywhere. Not only does it make for a great Instagram picture, but it also gives you a sense of historic connection with your ancestors who used to livel ike this. While wood-fire cooking will certainly not be replacing the electricinductions and gas stoves in the near-future, food stuffs cooked on wood-firewill find a place on restaurants menus based on popular demand and lifestyle.
Therefore, if you are looking for any such interesting food science articles to explore more then do let me know in the comment section.