
Beetroot Juice | Benefit Your Health in Several Ways
Just likeall other fruit and vegetable juices, beetroot juice offers tremendous healthbenefits. It contains minerals, antioxidants, essential vitamins and compoundscalled betalains that help boost the immune system.
Ever seenthose red-colored candies, ice creams, salad dressings, gelatin deserts, cakemixes or yoghurt? The red hue is often obtained from added beet juice.This makes beets quite an important ingredient in the culinary arts if you wantto obtain that specific magenta or beet red color.
Beetroot Juice May Benefit Your Health in SeveralWays
Maintains A Healthy Body Weight and ImprovesAthletic Performance
Adding beets to your morning smoothie can go along way in maintaining a healthy weight. This is because beet juice hasvirtually zero fats and is very low in calories. As we mentioned earlier, beetscontain compounds (nitrates and betalains) that may increase athleticperformance.
Accordingto a PMC review on the effects of beet juice supplementation,nitrates contained in beets help by increasing blood flow and oxygen tomuscles, therefore boosting a person’s athletic performance.
Helps Prevent Kidney and Liver Problems
Mostkidney and liver problems arise as a result of having too many toxins in thebody that need to be eliminated. Beetroot juice contains Vitamins A, B-6, ironand antioxidants that play a big role in preventing liver inflammation andenhancing the organs’ ability to remove toxins from the body.