
Are you searching for a best ayurveda school in kerala? Lords ayurveda is the best ayurveda school center in kerala. If you want to experience an excellent Ayurveda courses on the breathtaking Kannur of Kerala, you've come to the right place. Be it to increase your well-being or to tackle specific health problems and we have the complete treatments such as steam bath, Shirovasti Therapie, Ear Treatments, Eye Treatment, Kizhi, Pizhichil, Shirodhara, Oil Massages, Uzhichil(Body Massage), Panchakarma Therapies(Detoxification Treatments). Based on our experience, we have put together various treatment packages that are considered selected treatment approaches. We’re India’s one of the Best Ayurveda Treatment Centres in Kerala. Our panchakarma treatment helps you to increase your health state. Varous yoga couse is also available.
Ayurveda study centre in Kerala have best ayurvedic doctor in kerala , they have special recognitions and accolades for his outstanding performance in the Ayurveda field. Lords Ayurveda are places of special retreat and inner healing. What we offer at our Ayurveda is not an escape from worldly pleasures, instead a spiritual solace along with physical and inner advance healing through Ayurveda, Panchakarma, Yoga, Meditation and Psychotherapy. The best positive vibes you get from all Lords Ayurveda team which without a doubt makes you think of your next visit hoping time would fly and be there again.