
Personal record (PR) lifts are an important milestone in your weightlifting journey. Every time you aim for a PR, you are getting ready to break through your barriers and set a new standard for yourself. They prove to you and the world that you are progressing and reaching new heights. When it comes time to put on your weightlifting clothing and hit the gym for a PR attempt, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. These five tips can help you get ready to succeed on your next attempt.
Get Plenty of Sleep
This tip starts before the day of your PR attempt, but it extends into the day of. Sleep is essential to recovering after past workouts and preparing for your big lift later in the day. Get a full night’s rest by heading to bed at the right time. It might take some planning, but getting 7 to 8 hours is crucial to have all the energy and focus you need when you step up to the bar for your PR lift. Whether you have to pack your bodybuilder clothing the day before or cut out some bedtime television, it’ll all be worth it tomorrow.
Eat a Healthy and Energizing Breakfast
They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. That is especially true on the day of your big lift. Food provides the energy you need when exercising and is especially helpful when aiming for a PR attempt. When it comes to your choice of food, it all depends on when you are planning to head to the gym. If it is soon after breakfast, carbs and sugars can give your body immediate access to energy. If it is later in the day, proteins and fats are a great choice because they take a little longer to digest. Either way, make sure you get a good breakfast.
Do Something That Helps You Center and Focus
Now, your lift is coming up. Whether you are already at the gym or packing your bag before you hop in the car, this is the time you need to find your center and focus on the task at hand. Let go of any other thoughts and concerns and aim your attention solely at your lift. For some people, meditation is an excellent way to gain a laser-like focus. For others, they have a playlist of their favorite songs. Find what works for you and make it part of your PR day routine.
Get the Support and Motivation You Need
A supportive community can help light a fire in you as you prepare for a PR lift. Whether that is your friends and family, or a community of serious bodybuilders you’ve joined, make sure they know what you are doing. You can even invite them to come to cheer you on. You should put on your favorite bodybuilding clothes. Every little piece of motivation can help you climb the mountain ahead.
Run Through a Few Practice Reps
Finally, you’re here. You’re stepping up to the squat rack, deadlift platform, or bench, and you’re ready to lift. Before you load up the bar with your PR weight, run through a few practice reps with a weight that is easy for you. This can help your body and mind get ready for the challenge at hand. Now, you’re prepared, and it is time to set a new personal record. Before you know it, you’ll be doing this all over again as you break your PR over and over again.
About GASP
When you’re sweating through intense training sessions or just out and about, GASP is here for you. Their bodybuilding clothing is built to withstand the most demanding workouts for the most dedicated athletes in the iron sport. Their bodybuilding clothes, including hoodies, high-quality stringer tank tops, T-shirts, joggers, and shorts, are must-haves during an intense training session. GASP has the same no-shortcut and no-compromise attitude that you need on your bodybuilding journey. You show your commitment to bettering yourself when you wear GASP clothes. The GASP community is made of athletes from all walks of life. If you take your training seriously, the GASP community will welcome you with open arms.
Get ready for your next PR lift with gear from GASP at
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