
Visit Spice Money Today And Find The Best Fintech Solutions
Founded in the year 2015 by none other than Dilip Modi, Spice Money is often considered to be a fintech start-up, whose main goal is to provide financial services to rural areas, lower-tier cities and some underserved communities. Furthermore, the same company also enables employment for these centers as well.
Once you have chosen Spice Money for your service, chances are high that you will be enjoying the best fintech solutions that the market has in store. Understanding the values presented is important if you want to take full advantage of this fintech start-up now.
The working modules:
Generally speaking, Spice Money is known to follow two different types of working modules. Let’s get a glimpse of those methods to understand more about the fintech solutions now.
• Spice Money will provide financial services like mini ATMs, cash deposits, money transfers, insurance and more to those people, including those within the working class like agricultural workers, migrants, local traders, retailers and more.
• Furthermore, Spice Money is known to onboard the locals as well to the system. This program is called “Adhikaris.” They will serve the end customers only to cover their financial and banking needs.
Presenting the right kind of financial inclusion:
The main goal of Spice Money is to become the largest ever digital service platform for entire rural India. It is here to empower rural entrepreneurs financially and give them the chance to live a happy and satisfying life.
• Spice Money’s business model relies on the principle of trust. Here, it educates the localities about not just the platform but the other Fintech solutions available.
• Spice Money will further educate the people to sign them on as partners and not mere employees. That’s why more people are asking spice money ke agent kaise bane. With proper documents by your side, the process of becoming a Spice Money agent won’t be a tough nut to crack.
The ultimate representatives:
The Adhikaris will hold the position of Spice Money representatives within their communities. They are able to help people to use digital financial services for covering up their startup ventures. As the agents are local residents, they will have a better hold on the services and products that might work best in the chosen community. It helps in bringing on the trust game forward among residents as their personal acquaintance is related to the Adhikari.