
Hey, you can communicate with the support team or Talk to a Cash App Representative with the use of email id. But, the main thing is how you recognize which email id is true to send an email to the Square app. So, here I mention a few email addresses that you can use to send an email. The official id of the Square app ends with @cash.app, @squareup.com, @squre.com.
Talk to a Cash App Representative to ask for an email?
Hey, you cancommunicate with the support team or Talk to a Cash App Representative with the use of email id. But, the main thing is how yourecognize which email id is true to send an email to the Square app. So, here Imention a few email addresses that you can use to send an email. The officialid of the Square app ends with @cash.app, @squareup.com, @squre.com.