
Specialtygases are high purity gases which has the purity level lesser than or equal to99.99999%. They are used in theindustries like manufacturing, electronics, healthcare, academics, andanalytical. Most of the specialty gases have their classifications as the highpurity gases, noble gases, carbon gases, halogen gases.
The growthof electronics industry is leading to the high usage of specialty gases whichwill boost the global specialty gas market. Some specialty gases such ashelium, hydrogen and other high purity gases are in more demand than everbefore. Growing usage of specialty gases in Photovoltaics for energy and otherusage will boost the global specialty gases market. Some specialty gases suchas Tetrafluoromethane (CF4), Nitrous Oxide (N20), Nitrogen (N2), Oxygen (O2),Argon (Ar) are used in the c-Si processes.
North America specialty gas market is projected to register a CAGR of 8.0% in theforecast period of 2019 to 2026.
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NorthAmerica specialty gas market is segmented into three segments such as type,applications and ingredients.
On the basisof type, the market is segmented into five notable segments high purity gases,noble gases, carbon gases, halogen gases and others.
In October2018, The Linde Group launched high quality electronic materials SPECTRA EM atSEMICON Taiwan along with this, company will continue the investment ofelectronics specialty gases, bulk gases production in Taiwan to meet thedemands
On the basisof application, the market is segmented into seven notable segmentsmanufacturing, electronics, healthcare, academics, analytical &calibration, refrigeration and others.
In May 2018Showa Denko K.K. announced the supply of Low-carbon Hydrogen that was made fromused plastics to hotel’s fuel cell at its KAWASAKI plant which was opened onJune 1. This helped the company to covert low-carbon hydrogen into electricitythrough large fuel cells.
On the basisof ingredients, the market is segmented into twelve notable segments argon,bromine, nitrogen, helium, carbon monoxide, xenon, methane, krypton, oxygen,neon, hydrogen and others.
In October,Messer group has announced that they will supply liquid nitrogen to the A.Späni AG in Raron which is specialist in uncut metalworking. Späni has alreadyprocures the forming gas, welding argon, oxygen and nitrogen from Messer.
Some of themajor players operating in this market are The Linde Group, Air Liquide,Southern Industrial Gas Sdn Bhd, Air Products and Chemicals Inc., PraxairTechnology, Inc., Showa Denko K.K., Messer Group Gmbh, Mitsui Chemicals Inc.,TAIYO NIPPON SANSO CORPORATION.
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Business Expansion:
In November,Praxair signed a long term hydrogen supply agreement with Phillips 66 SweenyRefinery for supplying pure hydrogen to one of the Sweeny Refinery in Texas inearly 2021. This would basically increase the hydrogen capacity to more than1.5 billion cubic feet per day in Praxair’s Gulf Coast
In March,Coregas had partnered with Hyundai for the making of hydrogen-powered cars andbringing them in the market. Coregas supplies compressed hydrogen gas of highpurity to their refusing station.
In January,Coregas announced its partnership with Brad Jones Racing as their new gassupplier until 2020. BJR being the only V8 supercar team in the area provides astrategical advantage to Coregas.
In December,Air Products announced that they sign an industrial gas equipment agreementwith N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie which will help in the matter of national energyimportance for Netherland. Air Products will supply Gasunie three generationplants to produce the nitrogen.
InSeptember, Air Products announced they will sign cooperation and equipmentsupply agreements with the Beijing Sinoscience Fullcryo Technology Co., Ltd.(Fullcryo) to support the hydrogen infrastructure and support the china’s firsthydrogen based fulling station.
In February,Air Products announced they will sign an agreement to purchase of ACP Europe SA(ACP) which is the largest independent carbon dioxide business in continentalEurope. The transaction will expand the company’s CO2 capabilities in differentareas of Europe.
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NorthAmerica Specialty Gas Market, By Type (HighPurity Gases, Noble Gases, CarbonGases, Halogen Gases, and Others), Application (Manufacturing, Electronics,Healthcare, Academics, Analytical & Calibration, Refrigeration and Others),Ingredients (Argon, Bromine, Nitrogen, Helium, Carbon Monoxide, Xenon, Methane,Krypton, Oxygen, Neon, Hydrogen and Others), Country (U.S., Canada and Mexico)- Industry Trends and Forecast to 2026
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