
Every social media user would have come across memes at least once while they are online. A meme is a piece of creative work (in the form of photos and videos) that tickles the funny bone of the audience. Almost every situation we face in life has been reflected in memes recently. Memes aren't just used in movies (they can be utilized in politics, religion, sports, and technology), but they can also evoke laughter everywhere (often in the form of memes).
Memes have a great selling value when converted into treasured NFTs. More brands are using memes to showcase the advantages of their products and boost their overall image.
The content creators have to know beforehand the percentage of revenue from the sales of the meme that is pocketed by the NFT selling online platform. Zeligz Webstore will create a state-of-the-art NFT Meme marketplace that sells meme-based NFTs as a funny take on the culture of people rather than just promoting them as generic advertisements.
An NFT is a piece of art or content that also works as its digital certificate of authenticity. NFTs, like cryptocurrencies, have a unique signature stored in the blockchain, a distributed digital ledger that anyone can see, but no single person can edit.
Changes to the blockchain are made collaboratively, through a distributed network of computers that log the change when an NFT is sold or traded.
Just as every crypto transaction has a permanent, verifiable record, so does every NFT exchange. When you buy an NFT of a meme, you have both the original, unique image and the data to prove that you own it.