
Learn How To Reduce Your EMIs With a Balance Transfer Personal Loan
When you need money badly, a personal loan can come in handy. A quick disbursal process makes it easy to take. The interest rate is high because a personal loan balance transfer is an unsecured loan. When cash is available, most people do not consider the interest rate. However, there are ways to reduce the interest rate in the future, such as by transferring a loan balance.
Personal loans have high-interest rates. Even so, it is the most sought-after type of loan. A personal loan is easy to obtain if you pay your credit card bills and loan EMIs on time and have a good credit rating. Apps for personal loans are readily available. The money transfers into your account within minutes.
The next step is to reduce the interest rate on your personal loan after you have used the borrowed funds. You can reduce the interest burden by transferring your loan balance. Therefore, it reduces your interest rate, thereby easing your debt burden.
Balance Transfer Definition
The process of transferring your current loan from one bank to another is known as a personal loan transfer/balance transfer. It is beneficial to move the loan to a bank with a lower interest rate.
Getting a lower interest rate depends heavily on your credit history. A good credit score will help other banks to offer you more affordable loans at a lower interest rate than your current bank. When you transfer your balance to another bank, your EMI will decrease. If your loan term is long, you will have time to save every month.
Benefits of Balance Transfers
A balance transfer has many advantages, including:
• The balance transfer facility is available even if you have an ongoing loan. Due to the low-interest rate, you go for the balance transfer option. As a result, your EMI goes down. To lure customers away from rival banks, banks often offer attractive interest rates. You benefit from this market competition.
• Due to market conditions, you transfer your balance to a bank offering a lower interest rate. You can negotiate interest rates further with your current bank if you plan to do a balance transfer. If you have a bad credit history, the bank can offer you a new interest rate. Before transferring the balance, you can choose between your current bank and other rival banks/lenders.
• You will receive a better service at the new bank when you switch banks in addition to a lower interest rate on transferring your balances.
• Your new bank loan is based on the market value of your property. Top-up loans are also available.
Points to keep in mind
Understanding how low-interest-rate loans can replace your expensive loans is helpful. However, balance transfers are advisable cautiously.
• Your old bank must know that you are getting a lower interest rate.
• Make sure that your EMI decreases after the balance transfer without shortening the loan term.
• Additionally, only transfer the balance once you know the processing fees.
• It is important to note that the new bank should not offer you a teaser rate. In a teaser loan, you pay more interest at a later date. Any balance transfer must occur after the total loan amount is determined.
Getting an Instant Personal Loan from Bhumi Finance
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