
Health Care Reform - Health Insurance Marketplace - 2021 - CPA Clinics
The Health Insurance Marketplace helps uninsured people find health coverage. When you fill out the Marketplace application online the website will tell you if you qualify for:
•Private health insurance plans. The site will tell you whether you qualify for lower costs based on your household size and income. Plans cover essential health benefits, pre-existing conditions, and preventive care. If you do not qualify for lower costs, you can still use the Marketplace to buy insurance at the standard price.
• Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
These programs provide coverage to millions of families with limited income. If it looks like you qualify, the exchange will share information with your state agency and they’ll contact you. Many but not all states have expanded Medicaid to cover more people.
If you are eligible for job-based insurance, you can consider switching to a Marketplace plan, but you will not qualify for lower costs based on your income unless the job-based insurance is unaffordable or does not meet minimum requirements. You also may lose any contribution your employer makes to your premiums.
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