
Health and Travel Insurance Plans at Safetree
Safetree is one of the well-known insurance firms in the country. We, atSafetree aim at securing the country against the financial crisis and provideinnovative technology-based insurance solutions. We offer the best travel health insurance, along with other basic insurance plans such ashome insurance, car insurance, life insurance, etc. We provide need-basedinsurance plans at affordable prices.
To help customers mitigate the risks of insurance products and choosethe best insurance policy as per their requirements. We also offer expertadvice and customer support to resolve customer queries. If you are in searchof an ideal insurance plan that meets your requirements at an affordable price,you should definitely check our plans on our website or through our all in onemobile application.
To purchase our insurance plans you can contact our health care agent or download our mobile application. Our travel insurance offers coverageagainst medical expenses, Personal Liability Cover, Curtailment, Loss ofpassport, Repatriation of remains, etc. Our health insurance plan offersbenefits which include hospitalization expenses, Cashless Treatment benefit,coverage for expenses prior to the hospitalization of 30 days and afterdischarge from the hospital for 60 days are covered, tax benefit, free healthcheck-up, ambulance cover, expenses incurred on Unani, Homeopathy, Ayurveda,and Siddha, No claim Bonus, etc.
You can become a part of our Insurance family as a safetree travel insurance agent. All you need to do is enroll yourself as a risk expert and receivetraining. After receiving the training, you should clear the certification. Nowyou will be an authorized insurance agent to sell our basic insurance plans. Onselling our plans, you will earn income in the form of commission. This is agreat opportunity to boost your income. You can work from home on a digitalplatform at your convenience. Register today!
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