Forex Trading Accounts| swap free account
Forex Trading Accounts| swap free account
Forex Account Types
Forex Marketing is an Online International Market for Foreign currency exchange.
It allows people from around the world to trade, buy, sell and exchange currencies from various countries.
The users/customers/traders require an account through which they can process and trade forex. This account is provided by various online brokers which operates internationally, eg : FIDO Market.
Types of Accounts in Forex
1 – Demo Account
2 – Live Account

Demo Account

Demo Account is a basic account for the users, so that they can trade without any risks, for eg: like a training field where it doesn’t matters how much did you score. It’s about learning.

Demo Accounts can be used by the users to improve their skills and better understand the market of  Forex Trading.

It does not requires the users to invest any funds for using it. It completely risk free.

Live Account

Live Account is an account where the users can actually start trading by investing even low funds and earn huge profits, it’s just like business the user needs to understand key factors in Forex Trading to start investing and earning in it.

Every Forex Broker has their own types of Live accounts, each comes with different types of services provided, the user’s needs to select the type of Live account which they would require to trade Forex.