
Employment opportunities at Safetree
Safetree isone of the leading insurance companies offering affordable and need-basedinsurance plans such as travel insurance, two-wheeler insurance, car insurance,health, and homeinsurance policy India. We offer innovative tech-based solutions tohelp our customers mitigate the risks of insurance products. Safetree offerscustomized insurance solutions and also provides expert advice to helpcustomers select the right insurance plan. To purchase our insurance plans youcan either visit our website or get in touch with our insurance agents. We havealso developed an all in one application for our customers to approach ourinsurance advisor, avail 24*7 friendly support, get recent insurance updates,risk assessments, etc.
If you are wondering howto make money from home or looking for an alternate career or anextra source of income, here is a great opportunity to become a part of theSafetree family. Under our Saksham Bharat scheme, we offer employment forinsurance agents to eligible candidates. Through this scheme, we aim to trainand upskill Indians so that they can lead a financially secure life, becomedigital entrepreneurs, live a life of purpose, and increase awareness of riskprotection products.
All you need to do is receive the necessarytraining and get certified As per the rules of the Insurance Regulatory andDevelopment Authority of India, all the Insurance companies of India can hireagents only after he/she gets certified.
To join Safetree insurance team, you have to download our Safetree mobileapplication or visit the online website of Safetree and enroll yourself. Afterregistration, you will receive online training from our experts, and take upthe certification exam. After clearing the exam you can sell our basic plansand earn income in the form of commissions.
Register today and enjoy the perks of being aSafetree Insurance agent!
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