
How try on some and Take Proper proper care of Wigs
Within the following sentences, I'll introduce a few recommendations of wearing and take proper proper care of the wigs. Hope these can help you.
Wig wearing:
Generally, you need to placed on a hair internet before wearing wig, that make the end result much better.
(1) Making the whole hair internet over the neck
(2) Making the benefit of hair internet which getting a rubber string to press the bun, increase the risk for real real hair inside hair internet
(3) Carry another edge around make all the real real hair inside the hair internet, and rehearse both of your hands to knead hair regularly. While using the black clip to correct round the closing position, to avoid hair internet to fall.
(4) Patting the truly hair gently as you're watching mirror making it fitting well and also the mind formed and smooth. Since the elastic in the hair internet edge is very large, please likewise use clips to correct it to avoid hair internet to fall.
Since the wig packing finished directly after production, hair is recently made. Please to handle next operations to really make the hair fluffy before wearing.
Wig Care
1. Take proper proper care of the wig
Short hair & Man hair: Retain the position of modifying. Bobbing the wig up minimizing, if you want to increase the risk for top hair more fluffy, please to comb the conclusion of top hair backwards.
Extended hair: When open the packing, please make use of hands to hold inside the wig and shake it gently.
Straight hair: Please to comb hair from around lower.
Wild hair: Do not utilize a Comb, only use your finger to setup hair gently when shaking it.
Some little hair will fall lower when first-time take proper proper care of the wig. This is often a normal phenomenon. However, this problem can look reduced after several occasions from the.
2. After taking proper proper care of the wig, please adjust the elastic buckle inside the hair internet for the last position, and set onto feel it. Before wearing the wig you'll be able to adjust the buckle for the appropriate position. When wearing the wig, please adjust the interlining close to the ear from cab to tailgate to make sure the wig to get used correctly.
3. Please make use of hands to press the key fringe, and pull hair internet in the rear from the mind for the neck where near the finish in the hair.
4. Renovating the wig after wearing.
5. Extended hair: Please keep some hair at the front two back and sides to really make the wig looks natural in your thoughts. Please comb the straight hair while not wild hair. In short hair, please comb hair initially glance having a professional comb, help make your hair freely by hands. That's ok.
For your front fringe: It's easily to stay near the brow when the first time wearing. Please make use of finger to poke it in the centre. Following a couple of days, it'll be ok and seems natural.
Wig cleaning
1. The wig is tough to clean. It should be washed 1-2 occasions/month should you put onto it regularly, just be washed once six several weeks. Please cope with hair before washing.(use comb for straight hair and fingers for wild hair)
2. Please put the wig inside the mild water which with normal shampoo for ten mins, and rub hair internet softly and gently, while not hair. Be sure to keep your action gently, don't press it. Don't keep the wig in water for extended time, otherwise hair will easily fall lower.
3. Wash the wig, then put it inside the mild water which with hair condition for five mins, then wash it again.
4. Put the clean wig around the professional bracket, utilize a dry towel to suck the moisture, and hang it in the draft, remaining from the sun's sun rays.
5. After 80% dry, please make use of hands to correct hair and rehearse a steel tooth comb to really make the hair smooth.
Spray the cleaning free hairdressing liquid, also it dry completely to produce feeling and hue of the wig in the good.