
Whenit comes to inclusivity, it remains a practice that everyone believes to beessential but may not know how to incorporate it into their life best. Thereare different ways you can carry a conversation or even change your mindset tohelp you become more inclusive over time. Even the brands you support can helpyou include this practice both in your life and help it grow in the world as wedemand it to be an integral part of how we consume. It’s time to bring thepractice back to the forefront of your mind so you can experience the power ofinclusion.
Focus on Listening
One of the simplest ways to become more inclusive is by carrying it into yourconversations. This means being able to slow down and make space for activelistening. Active or engaged listening focuses on really hearing what’s beingsaid instead of planning what you’ll say next. Try to avoid interrupting orusing aggressive language that could make it more challenging for others tocontribute. And remember, body language plays a role, so try to be open andavoid dismissing others’ thoughts and opinions.
Avoid MakingAssumptions
Making assumptions can sometimes feel automatic, as if our brain is makingdecisions for us. When you find yourself subscribing to an assumption orcatering to a stereotype, try to take a step back and reflect on yourexpectation of the person or situation you’re in. It may even come up whenyou’re at work or as you shop bra selections and notice that thesizing or system isn’t feeling inclusive. Don’t be afraid to challenge theseinternal thoughts as you try to understand their origins and operate in a moreopen place.
Be Aware and KeepLearning
Whether you’re an expert in inclusivity or just beginning your practice, it’s importantto not be too hard on yourself or feel fearful of making mistakes. As youbecome more aware, you might notice that you or others don’t always say or dothe right thing, and because we’re human, try to come at these moments withunderstanding and a level of grace. Keep trying and stay open to learning howyou can continue to be more inclusive in your life.
Reflect On What BrandsYou Promote
When it comes to promoting inclusion in the world, your consumer habits canhelp you play a role in supporting brands that include it as a vital practicein their business. As you browse for intimates, you can prioritize a modernbrand that offers inclusive sizing so you can find everything from 38G to 30Cbras that fitand flatter. Ensure that the businesses where you buy your wardrobe or dailyuse products incorporate inclusion as a value throughout their corporate andmarketing efforts. Remain mindful of how you interact and contribute to theworld as you expand your understanding and experiences through the openpractice of inclusion.
About CUUP
When it’s time to explorethe connection between a woman’s style and her intimate side, CUUP can providethe iconically unlined bras that offer support where you need it most. Inaddition to their gorgeous bras, CUUP also designs bottoms and swimwear withclean, sophisticated silhouettes. The barely-there feeling of CUUP’s intimatescan revolutionize your innerwear, conforming to your body and standing with youas you embrace the true meaning of what it is to be a modern woman. Among theirselection of power mesh and modal bras like demi bras and bottoms, you will discover the foundational lineof intimates shaping a modern legacy of sensuality.
Understand the power ofinclusivity with CUUP at