
Double collar shirts
Double collar shirts, byVittorio Marchesi.
Doublecollar shirts are the most successfull product of VittorioMarchesihuge collection. These are the shirts that have attracted the attention ofthousand of men all around the world. We are sure that all these men havesomething in common; they love elegance and refinement of italian fashion andthey wish to dress something that can make them look different.
How it started.
VittorioMarchesi is an italian shirtmaker based in Milan. The founder, tired ofdressing standard shirts, started to think about to produce something thatcould surprise his customers. So he dedicated himself to develop a new kind ofshirt.
The double collar shirts suddendly havebegun to become very popular worldwide and, thanks to them, our brand too. Inclubs, restaurants, in the workplace, in commercial centers, people havestarted to reconize themselves dressing one of them; travelling from Berlin toTokyo, passing throught Dubai, Moscow and Singapore, these shirts have become astatus quo, a piece of clothing that every man would like to dress to lookstylish and elegant at the same time.
Howdouble collar shirts are made.
Double collar shirts were born after havingpalyed with different components of the shirt for a long time.
The collar is the most important part ofshirts, that's why our stylist began to redisign it; the first step was toincrease the height to make it more showy; then he placed a second collar,adding one or more buttons on its sides as multiple button down. He continuedto enjoy his creative process adding fancy details, as colorful inserts andpipings inside and outside the collar; he did the same for cuffs and for thefrontal pleat; finally he added a lot of colorful buttonholes and stichings.
In the end Vittorio Marchesi has achieved torealized a new kind of high-end slim fit shirt; showy but comfortable, fancybut refined, stylish but elegant, produced in our dedicated factory locatednear Milan, with the best italian cottons, to give our customers the chance todress an italian shirt.
Double collar shirts are a very versatilepiece of clothing. They can be dressed in free time for a very casual look withjeans and sportive jackets. These shirts suit very well for night events;dinners, parties or where everyonewishes to be the center of attention. Moreover, thanks to the appropriated anddelicated colours matching, they can give you a sharp and elegant look also inthe workplace during informal meetings.
Visit the dedicated section on our website todiscover our collection of double collar shirts.