
For the past several years one subject has been coming up quite often and has really started to be quite a hot topic. The subject is a fat known as CLA which stands for Conjugated Linoleic Acid. According to the rumors this stuff will cure cancer, lower your cholesterol and decrease your body fat especially around the middle all at one time. Kind of like the superman of fats.
It was about 1990 when I first heard about the benefits of CLA, but there were much more pressing matters at the time. Several years later I read some short articles in a couple of Natural Health Journals. It seems that CLA was being tested in the treatment of certain cancers and that the side effect was a loss of weight. The studies then were far too small to be considered acceptable proof of much of anything other than the stuff warranted further study. At that time most people were wondering what would happen to ephedra, so little attention was paid to CLA.
What is CLA?
CLA, Conjugated Linoleic Acid is actually a mixture of positional or geometric isomers of the omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid linoleic acid. Apparently there are a number of different isomers and most studies have used mixed isomers. The fact that these studies used mixed isomers may have contributed to the differences in results of the various studies. Certain isomers seem to be more active than others.
Some problems in verifying the research may also lie in the possibility that different isomers of CLA have different physiological effects on the body and may react differently in obese as opposed to "normal" weight individuals.
CLA has been said to be useful in weight loss, cardiovascular disease prevention, diabetes, and cancer treatment. For our purposes here we will only discuss whether or not it works for weight loss and especially fat loss.
Does it work?
It would appear that there is some validity to the claims that CLA reduces body fat and that CLA can be a good supplement to assist in fat loss for the overweight and obese person. More and more studies have been done and are being done and it would seem that CLA comes out on top each time. In fact I haven't yet seen a study which disputes the claim of earlier researchers that CLA reduces bodyfat. It also would appear from many studies that it appears to help most with abdominal bodyfat.
I have seen such noted names as Josh Bezoni, and Dr. Williams write articles in favor of CLA, and I have to agree with their opinion at this point.
The most common method of obtaining CLA is by purchasing it as a supplement, however blue, brie, Edam, and Swiss Cheeses are also good sources of CLA. I read that beef from Australia contain a higher level of CLA since these cattle graze on open range. If this is true then it may follow that the beef from Arizona and New Mexico would also have higher levels since there is more open range in that area of the US. I have not seen any data that would indicate that.
CLA can be purchased at most health food stores and on line at VitaCost and other online stores. Be sure to get the highest quality from a company you know and trust.
Below are the results of some studies I found in the Micromedix files at the hospital where I work.
1. The dosing of dietary supplements is highly dependent on a variety of factors such as quality of raw materials, manufacturing process and packaging. Since no official standards have been established to date to regulate the production of dietary supplements in the United States, dosage ranges must be employed as guidelines only.
B. ORAL Dose
1. WEIGHT LOSS: 1.4 grams to 6.8 grams daily. The average dose is 4.2 grams daily (Mougios et al, 2001; Riserus et al, 2001; Smedman & un cours en miracles , 2001; Blankson et al, 2000).
a. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) 0.7 grams daily for four weeks followed by 1.4 grams daily for four weeks reduced body fat percentages by 5% to 6% in 22 adult volunteers during the higher dose supplementation period. A significant decrease in the sum of thickness of ten skinfold measurements and percentage body fat and fat mass was observed during the period of 1.4 grams CLA daily as compared to placebo (p less than 0.001). None of these parameters changed significantly during the entire study period, nor were any significant differences in any anthropometric parameters found between the treatment and control groups. A significant decrease in HDL-cholesterol (p = 0.0056), as well as a trend toward lower triacylglycerols and total cholesterol, was observed during the low CLA period (Mougios et al, 2001).
b. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) significantly reduced sagittal abdominal diameter (SAD) as compared with placebo in a double- blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study of 24 abdominally obese men. Subjects received 4.2 grams CLA daily or placebo (olive oil). After four weeks of supplementation, a significant reduction in abdominal adipose tissue was seen in the subjects treated with CLA (p = 0.041). Other measurements of anthropometry or metabolism showed no significant differences between the two groups (Riserus et al, 2001).