
Buying a watch cansometimes be tricky, especially because we now have so many options availablein terms of patterns, colours, technology and other parameters. Every personhowever has their own tastes and preferences when it comes to selecting awatch, much like buying clothes or shoes. And there is also the budget toconsider.
When it comes to the pricingthough, the good news is that today, not everyone has to spend a huge deal ofmoney is order to buy a stunning watch. And just because a watch is not a Rolexor an Audemars Piguet, it does not make it less valuable. In fact, a lot of times,watches from evolving brands such as the Lige Watches can look equally stunning and smart as their better knowncompetitors. And the facility to buy Lige smart watch online makes them easily accessible too.
A minimalist men’s Lige watchcan be bought for less than £30. Ifone can afford to move up the price range, there are smart watches availablethat cost more than £70 and also have a multitude of features.
Let’s also understand how pricing works to make the right choice:
How come one watch costs £100 while another one, identical to that pieceis priced at £30? Well, it all depends upon the brand heritage, length ofmanufacturing process and the materials used in its production. Also, automaticmovements often cost more as they are made in house and tested rigorously beforebeing brought out into the market for sale.
Most watches in the higher price range also tend to be better designed.Sometimes watches have additional hands and dials such as the ‘chronograph’ andthe ‘GMT’ which also adds to the price of the watch.
The size factor
Another attribute to consider while making a watch purchase is the sizeof the watch. There is no typical wrist size and so there can be no typicalwatch size either. Most watches have a case diameter of between 34-44mm. Thegents who have broad wrists can opt for bigger watches, the size for which cango up to 46 mm. Men with slimmer wrists work well with 34-44 mm watches.
Strap varieties
The strap of the watch is as important as the dial. Whether one wants tochoose a metal strap or a leather strap, it is personal choice but thedifference significantly changes the style and the look of the watch.
It does not matter whether you’re buying a Lige smart watch for men or a Ligesmart watch for women or even a Ligeluxury watch, the choice of the strap is crucial. While the leather strapmakes for a dressier timepiece, the metal one can give the watch a chunkier,masculine look.
Collectors’ choices
The price of some watches can escalate as time goes by. The ‘vintage’factor rakes in high when it comes to buying watches, especially for someonewho might be a watch aficionado. The good news is that not all vintage pieceswitness a price spurt. Some may even go down in value as time goes by. In suchcases, it is important that the buyer knows the watches very well, so they’renot taken for a ride.
Summarily, there’s a lot to consider while investing in a good watch butwith multiple options available online, it is relatively easier to check thedetails and eventually make an informed decision.
Author Bio: Watchzen is an online store that maintains an assortment of stylish LIGE wrist watchesfor men, women and children. It also offers low priced LIGE smart watches withfeatures such as fitness and sleep tracker, call reminder, alarm clock andcalendar. To shop online visit