2021 EventQuip Games
2021 EventQuip Games
At EventQuip we strive to create a company culture that fosters a family-like workplace built on respect, common goals, communication, & fun.

When these things are present we find it strengthens the company as well as encourages:

    > Independent problem solving
    > Shared decision-making duties
    > A firm identity and a feeling of camaraderie
    > Communication between supervisors and other staff
    > Mutual respect and listening
    > Employees to get to know one another
    > Opportunities for employees to provide input and feedback

Based on these goals, it seemed like the right time to host an event to encourage learning and friendly competition, all while having a little fun. On July 31, 2021 the EventQuip Games were born!
The games consisted of 7 different competitive events and a bonus Tent Ox race. We split into 2 different divisions; new 2021 employees and experienced veteran employees.

    1.Tent Staking: Drive a stake its full length into the grass using a sledgehammer
    2.Tent Squaring: Square and lay out the four corners of a 30’ x 40’ tent
    3.10 x 10 Tent Fold: Properly fold a 10’ x 10’ tent top
    4.Ratchet Wrap: Fully wrap and secure a 2” ratchet
    5.Cord Wrap: Wrap an extension cord in a neat and knot-free manner
    6.Lacing: Secure two pieces of vinyl together using the lacing method
    7.Knot Tying: Tie off six stakes with rope using ratchet knots
    8.Tent Ox Race: First across the finish line is the winner

    The competitive events were selected based on tasks that the staff performs thousands, and sometimes tens-of-thousands, of times per year. Accuracy is important for safety and maintaining timelines and directly reflects the finished quality we take pride in delivering to our clients.
    This summer of each year is always incredibly busy, which makes it even more important to set aside some time to play and rejuvenate spirits. The sunny day was filled with team building, food, prizes and good ol’ fashioned field-day antics. A huge round of applause to all who participated in this amazing experience that was enjoyed by every member of the EventQuip family!

Visit full blog here.