
The IB Diploma and the International Baccalaureate is a bespoke, balanced as well aschallenging academic programme that has been designed keeping in mind thedemanding and intense requirements of today’s university and employment needs.
It has beenplanned in such a way that it nurtures the overall personality of a studentswith every aspect - such as the intellectual, social, physical and emotional -taken into consideration.
Let’s getinto more details as to why the IB board is important for current educationalscenario and why it’s being implemented in some of the best schools in Gurgaon, Delhi and NCR.
IB learners are culturally aware and better prepared for global presence
Since the IBboard is an international board, it is always working in tandem withinternational universities. The IB and Cambridge schools in Delhi, NCRare constantly uplifting their standard of education by keeping the curriculumin sync with the needs of students who aspire to complete their educationabroad. Their course makes them familiar with what global universities normallylook for in students.
The studentsfrom the IB board find it much easier to navigate through universities in theUSA, UK, Germany and many other popular international academic destinationsbecause they’ve had that kind of training for years at their home ground.Students from these schools also find it rather easy to adapt and mouldthemselves quickly to the cultural needs of foreign universities. It makestheir transition to college life easy and helps them develop sustainingrelationships with peers as well as teachers.
IB learners are encouraged to think critically
The best Cambridge schools in Delhi, NCR typically adopt the IB programmes forstudents in primary classes as also for the senior students of Classes 11thand 12th. The IB courses lay emphasis on problem solving andpractical life skills - traits that are bound to come in handy when venturingtowards the adult life, be it at the university level or further down the lineat employment level.
The IB schools in Gurgaon and Delhi are always driving students towards becoming moreindependent and self reliant individuals – this is because the curriculum of IBboard is not just about memorising chapters from textbooks, but rather aboutrealistic training that is offered through a flexible combination of subjectsat every level. Students become adept at driving their own learning which isalso a key focus with the IB schools.
Some of theIB schools in India offer Cambridge programmes to the students in middle years– from Grades 6th to 10th. As with IB curriculum, the best IGCSE board school in Gurgaon will also heavily rely on discussions,debates, written assignments, oral presentations and teamwork exercises thatfurther enhance a student’s engagement with society in a civic and responsiblemanner.
Everystudent is different and comes with his or her own set of high points as wellas shortcomings. Therefore, it becomes imperative to engage a dedicated team ofteachers and coaches who have a keen sense of determining every student’sstrengths and weaknesses. They can then mutate the course of learning, suitedto the individual child’s growth.
The IB boardand Cambridge schools are extremely careful in selecting and employing the bestof teachers to help build a student’s personality in the most dynamic fashionand make them ready for the rigors of after school life.
For reasonsdescribed above, the IB students tend to have an advantage over their peersfrom other school boards and this has been proved time and again by a lot ofmeritorious students who have secured admissions in reputed universities acrossthe world.
Author bio - The Gurgaon based campus of Amity Global School enrolled its first batch of students in 2008 and has been helping young scholarsimbibe the virtues of education year after year. A tailored approach toacademics, sports and extra-curricular activities is the hallmark of theinstitution.