
Why did I lose my confidence?
However, write me a essay there are just as many people who suffer from a lack of self-confidence and struggle in everyday life not to let themselves get down. Often there are two fears behind it:
The fear of being rejected .
The fear of failure .
Behind both fears is a negative self-image. In contrast to self-confident people, those affected are not convinced of their abilities, Professional Resume Writers but are plagued by constant doubts .
This leads to an inner insecurity in which challenges are ultimately perceived as a threat.
This uncertainty also shapes behavior and relationships with other people. Oftentimes, insecure people need continued reassurance, approval, and approval from the outside. This makes them and their self-image enormously unstable and susceptible to manipulation.
Self-esteem test
Before we get to the tips on how to strengthen your self-confidence, please ask yourself these (uncomfortable) questions. They represent a kind of "self-confidence test". This is often where the roots of insecurity lie:
If you were able to agree to more than 30 percent of the questions, your self-confidence is still weak and could use a boost.
Another cause of self-esteem is excessive self-criticism . Lots of insecure people tend to judge themselves way too harshly. They weight their weaknesses more than their strengths. As a result, you mainly see your own deficits and flaws instead of appreciating the strengths and positive aspects of yourself.
The biggest mistake one can make in life is always to be afraid of making a mistake. (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
Self-confidence can be learned. But it's not easy. You will have to jump over your shadow and be patient. Boosting self-esteem is a process that doesn't work overnight.
However, this should not discourage you, but rather help you to work on your own self-confidence with the right attitude - and ultimately to be successful.
The following exercises and tips can help you train your self-confidence:
1. Face your fears
American motivational speaker Dale Carnegie put his strategy like this: "You gain confidence by doing exactly what you are afraid of, and thereby gaining a number of successful experiences." So you need to get out of your comfort zone and get out of your fears to increase self-confidence.
Often our fears are exaggerated: in anticipation of what “could” happen, we anticipate the possible answers of others and act in a kind of anticipatory obedience. The more often you realize that it's not as bad as you thought and that you can achieve a lot more than you thought you could, the greater your self-esteem
2. Allow yourself to make mistakes
Do not mangle yourself for mistakes you make. In doing so, you are constantly shaking your ego and fueling self-doubt .
Try to change your attitude towards mistakes and see them as an opportunity to develop yourself . If you look around your team, you will find that your colleagues are making mistakes too. It is normal for mistakes to happen . The key is to find out how it came about and learn from it.
One mistake does not determine your worth as a person. There is no reason to be afraid of it. Have more confidence in yourself and be ready to go wrong every now and then. This attitude helps a lot in your own self-confidence.
3. Make yourself comfortable
The more comfortable you feel and the more satisfied you are with yourself, the stronger your self-esteem will be. Even if it sounds like a rush: make sure that you feel comfortable - both inside and out. Do things that make you happy and that give you strength.
This also applies to clothing, by the way: Dress in such a way that you feel comfortable and confident in it. Are you dissatisfied with the way you look? Then think about what you can change: your clothing style, hairstyle or a better figure - make sure that you are completely satisfied with yourself.
4. Laugh at yourself
Don't take yourself so seriously and try not to make an impeccable impression. A relaxed posture will make it easier for you to face your fears . What's going to happen big? You speak up in the meeting, are nervous and make promises. Take it with humor and the others will too.
Those who can laugh at themselves not only show a great deal of self-confidence, but also come across as personable, human and open.
5. Compliment yourself
Sit in front of a mirror, look at yourself and in the eyes. Then say your name and yourself: “You are a wonderful and valuable person. You look great. You have many strengths. You have already achieved a lot. I like you!"
Yes, it seems strange at first, even embarrassing. But the more difficult it is for you, the more insecure you are and obviously cannot (yet) accept yourself. Nevertheless, overcome yourself and repeat this exercise. It will get better and easier with time. Such positive affirmations , beliefs, and thoughts are more powerful than many think.
6. Accept compliments
The other way around applies: If someone compliments you, allow it and accept it. If there is a lack of self-confidence, positive comments are often played down and made badly. Motto: "He definitely didn't mean that!" Or: "That's not true at all!"
Nonsense! Get rid of these thoughts and stop questioning and analyzing compliments. Just be happy about it. A sincere compliment from another person can boost self-esteem tremendously.
7. Improve your body language
It's not just what you say that matters, but how you act. Insecurity is not only reflected in our body language. The effect also works the other way around: this is called biofeedback in technical terms. By not making yourself small in front of others, but literally straightening up, you gain self-confidence and inner security. The whole thing is even reinforced because those around you react positively to your self-confident demeanor.
Try to get used to nervous gestures such as stroking your hair or chewing your upper lip while you speak. Stand firmly with your legs apart and do not hide your face behind your hands.
8. Stand by your wishes and expectations
Is something bothering you or do you have the feeling that something could go better? Then address these points. You can and should make such demands. In the first moment it will cost you to overcome it. In doing so, you stand up for yourself and show that you have your own interests that are important to you.
To see that these are respected and implemented is a great boost for your own self-confidence. You have successfully campaigned for your own needs and can be proud of yourself.
9. Stop comparing yourself
Quite a few see life as permanent competition. They constantly compare themselves with others: who has the happier relationship? Who has the smarter children? Who deserves more salary? Who owns the bigger house, car, cell phone? Fatal! The constant comparisons with others cause enormous emotional damage. They are a challenge to our self-confidence and stir up feelings of inferiority.
Instead, learn to be more grateful. Learn to appreciate the milestones you've already reached. Be grateful for special friendships or your health. Unfortunately, most people tend not to appreciate successes and achievements long enough. Instead, we strive for the next one. The antidote to this is constant appreciation, mindfulness and gratitude .
10. Don't take criticism personally
It will happen again and again that someone contradicts you, criticizes you or criticizes you for deficits. This is uncomfortable and can scratch the ego. But you should never take it personally. Criticizing your performance is not an assessment of your worth as a person. Accordingly, your self-esteem should not be affected.
Do not see criticism as an attack on yourself and your personality , but as an opportunity for improvement and personal growth .
11. Surround yourself with the right people
Those who have people in their environment whom they can trust, who support and encourage one, are strengthened from within. You have the good feeling that you are not alone. Because you know that these people value you, they also strengthen your self-confidence.
But that means the other way around: Keep your distance from negative people who pull you down and constantly make you bad. In such an environment, self-confidence cannot grow.
12. Celebrate your successes
Any success, no matter how big or small, is proof that you can overcome difficulties and achieve whatever you set out to do. You should celebrate that and be proud of your accomplishments.
At the same time, you treat yourself well when you celebrate or treat yourself to a small reward - a framework for strong self-esteem that can only develop when you like yourself.