What is Data Modeling, and Why Does it Matter in the Corporate World?
What is Data Modeling, and Why Does it Matter in the Corporate World?
Data modeling is one of those hot topics that come up in any conversation about data science. It's an essential part of big data and holds the potential for real innovation.



Data modeling is one of those hot topics that come up in any conversation about data science. It's an essential part of big data and holds the potential for real innovation. But what does the term mean? What's the purpose of data modeling? To find out, look at the article below about data modeling techniques and what makes it a great tool! 


Data models are basically frameworks that determine how data will be stored. They provide a method for ensuring that the database design will be effective, efficient, and easy to maintain. No matter the size of your project, there should always be a database modeling phase before any data is stored in the database. This ensures that the model meets all project requirements from a business perspective.


What is Data Modeling? 


Data modeling is the process of creating a simplified structure to represent real-world information in terms of entities, relationships, and attributes. It is one of the vital tasks in database design.

In other terms, data modeling is a method of creating a data structure for storing, retrieving, and manipulating data. Ultimately, this data model enables users to access and manage the database.


The purpose of data modeling is to create a structure that allows business users to understand how the data will be used and accessed by applications. A well-designed database can help you avoid redundancies, reduce errors and make your database easier to maintain.


Data models are used in various applications, including business intelligence and analytics, enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), and supply chain management. They can be created manually by analysts or automatically by computers using software such as Data Vault.


Importance of data modeling


Data modeling is essential for the success of all organizations, regardless of their size. It is utilized by businesses in every area, including finance, healthcare, and retail.

In fact, companies use data modeling techniques in many different ways:


  • A clear depiction of data facilitates accurate data analysis. It gives a clear summary of the data, which developers may subsequently utilize for various applications.

  • Data modeling aptly describes the data in a model. It eliminates the possibility of data duplication and omission, facilitating precise analysis and processing.

  • Data modeling enhances data quality and helps stakeholders make data-driven decisions.

  • Lastly, understanding data modeling techniques will help you formulate your data models. You'll better understand how to create a data model that works well for your organization's needs, what kinds of problems are common in certain types of systems, and how to avoid them. To get an in-depth knowledge of data modeling and its tools, check out the data science certification course that offers rigorous data science and AI training. 


What are the types of data modeling? 

Data models can be classified into three types according to their usage:


  • Conceptual Data Model: It is a visual depiction of database concepts and their relationships, defining the user's perspective at a high level. This type of Data Modeling is concerned with identifying the data utilized by a business rather than processing flow. Conceptual data modeling primarily involves organizing and establishing business rules and concepts. For instance, it assists business professionals in viewing market data, client data, and purchase data.


  •  Logical Data Model (LDM): A logical data model represents the logical structure of an organization's information system. It usually consists of five basic elements: entities, attributes, relationships, identifiers, and rules. A logical data model is typically applied for a specific project since it aims to provide a technical map of rules and data structures. The LDM serves as a blueprint for designing an organization's database schema, which needs to be implemented using a relational database management system (RDBMS).


  •  Physical Data Model: A physical data model (PDM) or physical schema provides detailed descriptions of the tables and columns in an RDBMS that will implement the logical design defined in an LDM. The objective is the implementation of the actual database.


Data modeling techniques:

Data modeling may be done in a variety of ways. However, the fundamental concept behind each one is the same. Data modeling approaches that are regularly used include:


  1. Hierarchical data modeling:

As the name indicates, this data model uses hierarchy to organize the data in a tree-like style. However, retrieving and accessing data is tricky in a hierarchical database. This is why it is hardly used currently.

  1. Object-Oriented data modeling:

This model combines object-oriented programming with the relational data model. An object combines data and relationships into a single structure with characteristics and methods that define the object's properties and behavior. Objects can be linked in several ways. 

  1. Entity-relationship data modeling:

Entity-relationship models are a logical framework in which the relationship between data objects is built under specific software development needs. Entity-relationship Data Modeling, unlike the relational Data Modeling method, is designed to enable business operations in a particular order. Even if two datasets have several links, entity relationships are only created based on the data points necessary to complete a task while reducing data privacy issues.

  1. Network data modeling:

The hierarchical model serves as the foundation for the network model. Unlike the hierarchical model, this paradigm makes it simpler to communicate complicated relationships, as each record can be related to several parent records.

  1. Relational data modeling (RDM): 

The most well-known database technique for supporting analytics operations is Relationship Data Modeling (RDM). In this model, tables are ordered with one other. 

For example, using the relational model, e-commerce websites can handle purchases and keep track of their inventories. 

Organizations use these data modeling techniques as part of their overall data strategy to streamline the whole analytics process. With suitable data modeling strategies, businesses may increase operational resilience while assuring the quality of their insights for making informed decisions.




As our world continues to become more and more connected, we must utilize the data collected appropriately to maintain a clear understanding of what is happening around us. This can only be accomplished through data modeling. In a nutshell, data modeling is about representing your data as clearly, and accurately as possible. By being organized and taking care of the details, we can ensure that our data modeling is successful, even with all of its demands. By learning these models and their significance, you can also succeed in any data modeling project you encounter.


Aspiring data scientists and data modelers should recognize that data modeling is an extremely essential and dynamic skill. Enroll in a data science course in Pune co-developed by IBM to learn more about data modeling and other data science techniques. Their hands-on training using various data science tools will help you develop the in-demand skills used by data scientists.