
What Does a Linux System Administrator Do?
A Linux system administrator is responsible for computers runningLinux operating systems. The specialist deals with support infrastructures, OSplatforms and applications. The linux system administrator is responsible forthe integrity & security of servers and IT systems in accordance withestablished security protocols and practices.
These professionals work with the computer system engineer toinstall the system. The Linux administrator ensures that the systems areupdated with scalable technologies. The user is responsible for installing newsoftware, granting permissions and training users for applications.The Linuxadministrator plays an active role in correcting, compiling, backing up andtroubleshooting Linux servers in a heterogeneous environment. The specialistperforms system updates and server configurations. You are responsible forimplementing changes in multiple environments from development to production.The expert can also develop scripts with different languages such as Bash,Python and PHP.
What a Linux system administrator does
A Linux system administrator wears manyhats. The smaller your environment, the more hats you will wear. The Linuxadministration includes backups, file restores, disaster recovery, new systembuilds, hardware maintenance, automation, user maintenance, file systemmanagement, application installation and configuration, system securitymanagement and storage management. . . System administration covers almost allaspects of hardware and software management for both physical and virtualsystems.
Curiously, you also need a broad base of knowledge about networkconfiguration, virtualization, interoperability and even Windows operatingsystems. A Linux system administrator must have technical knowledge of networksecurity, firewalls, databases, and all aspects of a functioning network. Thereason is that you are primarily a Linux SA, but also part of a larger supportteam that often has to work together to solve complex problems. In one way oranother, security is often the cause of problems encountered by a support team.A user may not have access or adequate access. A daemon may not haveappropriate permissions to write to a registry directory. A firewall exceptionhas not been registered in the current configuration of a network appliance.There are hundreds of sources of error in a network. Your job is to identifyand fix bugs.
For Linux system administration, you also need to know bestpractices, familiarize yourself with new software, keep patches, read andfollow safety instructions, and apply hardware updates. The day of an SA isvery crowded. In fact, you never really end, but you have to choose a time tofinish your activities. Being Sa is a 24x7x365 job that affects you physicallyand mentally. You will hear a lot about fatigue in this area.
Responsibilities and duties :
· Install and manage all server hardware and software systems,manage all server performance, and ensure availability.
· Keep all system backups, restore all procedures, and provide allusers with the required training.
· Design and manage all system tools for all automation processesand scripts and monitor all capacity planning.
· Integrate all the necessary software and solve all the problems indifferent technologies. The design requires commercial servers and providesbackup support.
· Evaluate all documents according to system requirements, evaluatethe overall design and run tests of all development activities and manage allcomplex methods.
· Develops an infrastructure that meets all business needs andregularly resolves system issues.
· Monitor systems daily, evaluate the availability of all serverresources, and perform all tasks for Linux servers.
· Helps configure and deploy all virtual machines, and install anddistribute backup copies of all configuration processes.
· Maintain and monitor all patch versions and design different patchinstallation strategies. Store all systems according to the NIST standard.
· Manage all the power of different resources, optimize and supportall applications and offer the best customer service.
· Maintain and monitor all system infrastructures and providesupport after attending all systems and gaining the best Linux knowledge.
· Fix bugs in all tools, manage multiple servers, and back up allscript files and servers.
· Test all new software, manage administrative services fixes, andmonitor all security processes.
Salary :
According to Ziprecruiter, the Linux system administrator in theUnited States earns about $ 100,425 a year. The annual salary of professionalsis $ 158,500 and $ 43,000. Most salaries for Linux system administratorscurrently range from $ 81,500 (25th percentile) to $ 120,000 (75th percentile).The national median salary for this position is $ 78,322 per year, according toGlassdoor. The actual salary estimate shows that the salary for Linux systemadministrators is between about $ 66.003 a year for the administrator and $91.157 a year for Unix administrators.
Bottom Line:
Being a Linux system administrator is a useful activity. You havemany responsibilities. Sometimes it's inconvenient. Sometimes it's really fun.It's a job that Linux SAs have different backgrounds. They are also among themost creative and interesting IT people. System administration is not easy andalso not suitable for thin-skinned users. It is intended for those who wish tosolve complex problems and improve the IT experience of all members of theirnetwork. It's a good job and a good career.