
In order to make a computer language more portable and secure, Java was created. Numerous more factors contributed to the ultimate shape of this remarkable language, in addition to those listed above. Java Course in Pune
These are the features:
1. It's not complicated:
Java's grammar is basic, crisp, and easy to comprehend, making it an excellent programming language for beginners. Many C ++ concepts have been removed or reworked in Java to make it easier to understand.
For example, Java does not have pointers or operator overloading, while C ++ had.
2. The use of objects instead of data:
Everything in java is an object with a set of properties and a set of behaviours. Because Java is built on the Object Model, it can be quickly expanded. Here are a few fundamental OOP concepts.
- Object
- Class
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
3. Stable:
For the most part, Java's focus is on compile time error checking and runtime checking, in an attempt to reduce the likelihood of buggy code being generated. By adding automated Garbage Collector and Exception Handling, Java greatly improved memory management and mishandled exceptions.
4. Independent of the platform:
It differs from other programming languages in that it is not compiled into a particular machine, like C, C ++, etc. There's no doubt that Java is a write-once, run-anywhere programming language.
The Java application is compiled into byte code during compilation. In addition to being platform-independent, this byte code format provides security. If you have Java installed, you can execute Java Programs on any system that has Java installed. The platform is Java. Language That Is All Its Own
5. Insist on security:
Java is usually the top option when it comes to security. We can create virus- and rage-free systems with the help of Java's security features. As a result, the security of Java programmes is far higher than those written in other programming languages.
6. Multiple threading:
It is feasible to design software that can concurrently do many tasks thanks to Java's multithreading functionality. Multithreading is advantageous because it uses the same memory and other resources to run numerous threads simultaneously, like a multiprocessor system. Grammar problems are detected as you type.
7. Aesthetically Innocuous:
Because the compiler creates byte codes that are independent of a computer's architecture, a Java application can be run on any system. Java Classes in Pune
8. Lightweight and transportable:
Code written in Java Byte can run on any platform. There are no features that are tied to a certain platform. The size of basic data types, for example, is fixed for anything to do with storage.
9. Incredibly High-Quality:
Java is an interpreted language, which means it will never be as quick as a compiled language like C or C ++, which are more efficient. However, Java's just-in-time compiler makes it possible to run programmes quickly.
10. Disseminated:
Java is also a distributed programming language. The ability to execute software via a network is something that can be programmed for. TCP / IP communication in Java is handled via a dedicated class library. In Java, establishing network connections is a lot easier than in C / C ++.
New JAVA 8 Features:
Some of the most important new features in Java 8 may be found in the sections that follow. We'll go through them in more depth at a later time:
- Streams, Optional Classes, Lamda Expressions, etc. all contribute to increased productivity.
- Efficacy
- Polyglot programming is now better. In programming, a Polyglot is a program or script that may be used in more than one language and yet do the same tasks. So now Java may be used for this sort of programming.
- Security and performance have been enhanced.
JAVA 11: What's New?
It's suggested to use Java 11 as an LTS version since it has a number of useful new features. New and updated content is included in this set of features. We'll go through them in more depth at a later time.
- Unicode 10.0.0 is included in this release.
- Standardization of the HTTP Client has occurred.
- Compiler Thread Allocation in a Lazy Manner
- Applied Unicode CLDR v33 to Locale Data
- JEP 331 Heap Profiling with Low Overhead
- JEA 181 Nest-based Access Control
- Incorporated Brainpool EC Support (RFC 5639)
- Enhancements to the KeyStore
- ITU-T X.509 Certificate Authority (CA)
- Single-File Source Code Programs may be launched using JEP 330
In other words, Java Editions:
The Java Editions, or platform, is a set of tools that aid in the development and execution of Java-based applications. Execution engine, compiler, and library set are included in Java Editions. There are no CPU or operating system requirements since Java is a platform-independent language.
1. Standard Edition of the Java Programming Language:
For the creation and deployment of portable programs in both desktop and server settings, Java Standard Edition is the ideal platform. Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) is a subset of the Java platform (J2SE).
The Java Class Library and other APIs are available in the Java Standard Edition. Oracle Corporation's Java Development Kit is the finest implementation of Java SE (JDK).
2. Micro Edition of the Java Platform:
Embedded and mobile device developers may utilize Java Micro Edition as a platform for creating and deploying portable code. As a result of a merger between Oracle and Sun Microsystems, the Java Micro Edition was created in 2010.
As an example, microcontrollers and sensors are only two examples.
3. Enterprise Edition of Java:
Distributed computing and web services are among the new capabilities of Java SE 8's Enterprise Edition. Reference runtimes are used by Java Enterprise Edition applications. All of the above are handled by this runtime as well as the management of the components that will be deployed by it. It has been renamed from its previous moniker of Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) to Java Enterprise Edition (or Jakarta EE). Information systems for e-commerce, accountancy, and banking, to name a few.
4. The JavaFX plug-in framework:
Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) may be created with JavaFX and operate on a broad range of devices. As the default GUI framework for Java Standard Edition, JavaFX has almost supplanted Swing. Support for JavaFX on desktops and browsers. Java Training in Pune