
Education isevery child’s right and it is the society’s responsibility to ensure that itgets fulfilled effectively. However, in a world with fast-paced changes, just teachingchildren for basic curriculum is not enough – it is critical to help them gainrelevant knowledge through the best available medium. And this is where International Baccalaureate (IB) education steps in.
IB programmeshave now been adopted by some of the top international schools in Delhi NCR, particularly for young students in Nursery to Grade 5.
For theparents who are planning to enrol their kids in a school soon or the ones whohave recently shifted to NCR and need to place children in a new school, it isgood to know the following merits of IB education:
Creating global citizens
The IB is a globallyrecognised board whose curriculum is at par with academic courses followed insome of the best schools of the US, UK and Germany. It is actually followed byeducational institutions in several countries, some of which also interact withthe best IB schools in Noida. Thedirect communication between students and faculties of these schools indifferent parts of the world helps to create a globalised environment forlearners’ development.
Indeed, thecontents of IB programmes are planned in a way that enables children to havebetter perspectives and understanding of global issues when they venture outinto the life outside their schools. In this process, the students of IBDP schools in Noida are alsoinculcated with a deep sense of respect for different cultures, languages andtraditions from around the world.
Education based on inquiry
A Cambridge school in Noida is known toencourage its children to ask lots of questions and apply practical thinking inorder to find solutions. The IB board advocates similar methodologies – it doesnot expect students to just mug up answers to certain questions and write themout on answer sheets. The board wantschildren to become independent by applying their own logic and reasoning toquestions.
Teachers atthe best schools in Noida trainstudents to develop research skills and critical thinking with an inquiry basedapproach to learning, while following the IB Primary Year Programme (PYP).
Service oriented
Schools arenot just about academic education. They are also instrumental in developing andmoulding a student’s character in her / his tender age. They need to ensurethat the learners graduating from their environment become responsible,confident and compassionate citizens of the world. This is where communityservices prescribed by the IB board help.
The best IB school in Noida or Delhi wouldalways encourage its students to be active in their communities by giving themopportunities to participate in cleanliness drives, tree plantations, animalwelfare programmes and other enriching activities. They also take theirstudents on visits to different NGOs to give them a better idea of communityservice.
Holistic development
In the IBboard curriculum, subjects are not taught in isolation. Students are given thechoice to choose and opt for their own subject combinations to optimise theirgrowth in their areas of interest from an early stage.
What’s more,holistic development in IB schools also includes character building andensuring that the students have personal and social integrity. The goal of IBeducation is to turn students into responsible learners who can gainconstructive knowledge from myriad experiences of life.
Summarily,the IB board is actively changing the world around us not just in terms ofeducation but also the way children are growing up and heading towards ahealthier and happier social future. Therefore, it is worthwhile for you asparents to consider this global board while deciding on the future of your kids’education and their lifelong progress.
Author bio: The Noida based campus of Amity Global School was established in the 2010 and follows the globally recognisedIB and Cambridge programmes. A disciplined approach to academics, sports andextra-curricular activities is the hallmark of the institution.