
Top 7 Time Management Tips for MPPSC Exam Preparation
We have listed out 7 tried-and-tested tips that will help inmanaging time while you prepare for the MPPSC Exam.
1. Create a realistictimetable
The first step towards MPPSC preparation is creating atimetable. Setting a timetable is a clear thing for every MPPSC aspirant. Ifyou are not already setting a schedule, start doing now. One thing that youhave to keep in mind while making a timetable is that it should be realisticand not just strict. Generally, most aspirants make a strict time schedule tocover alot. However, these deadlines are not realistic, and they stressthemselves.
Things look easy when creating a timetable, but when itcomes to execution, you'll end up with strict deadlines. A realistic timetablemeans that you will be able to achieve deadlines and improve yourself withoutstraining yourself.
2. Set short-term goals
With the timetable, you set some goals to achieve in a givenperiod of time. These goals should not be for extended periods at once. Forexample, if your goals are made for the next three months, you may not be ableto prepare more efficiently. If you make goals on a daily or weekly basis, itwill become easier for you to achieve those goals.
Sometimes, our brain believes that there is still time inpreparation, and you will fix it in the coming days. This can make you lazy.
3. Split the syllabus
Dividing the entire syllabus into subjects, subjects andsub-disciplines will help you to complete the syllabus in less time. In thetime table, instead of mentioning to study the subject for -4 hours, you canspecify the subject for study '. By deciding the topics to be included in thetimeline, you can start keeping the easy one in the first part and then move onto the harder ones.
4. Estimate time for study
The MPPSC syllabus is a bit vast and time consuming. Youcannot complete the entire course in a limited time. However, you can organizethe time well to cover more and more topics. Poor timing organization is thereason for many MPPSC candidates failing. So, once you have created a timetable, decide what you are going to study, how long it will take you to coverthe selected subjects and subjects, and how many daily hours you will be ableto invest.
As mentioned above, don't forget that you have to setrealistic goals for your studies. Sometimes, you can challenge yourself tostudy more and cover some more subjects. Also, keep all the necessary books,MPPSC test series and other necessary material in place so that you do not haveto waste time after the preparation starts.
5. Switching topics or topics
There are times when some subjects take longer thanexpected. This may be because the matter is difficult or boring, or for someother reason. Instead of keeping your mind engrossed in such topics and wastingtime, you have to realize the ability to switch.
You can jump to such topics later or at the end. If youwaste more time, you will probably skip other subjects that held equal importanceand were easier to learn. For difficult subjects, you can opt for the best MPPSCcoaching in Indore or other cities to learn from expert teachers.
6. Short breaks
Preparation of MPPSC requires long hours of dedication andregular study. Taking short breaks is important to maintain efficiency. Without break, life can become dull and affect productivity.
When you take short breaks, your brain freshens up and it becomes easier for you to concentrate and learn. Brakes also help you maintaina healthy lifestyle so that you do not have to forcefully take breaks when youare sick.
Make sure that the breaks are not long, that your study time is affected, and that it becomes difficult for you to achieve your goals.
7. Stick to your study plan
You should make your own study plan that works best for you.Every IAS aspirant will get into this situation, where they can get tips,suggestions and advice from every other person regarding the preparation, butkeep in mind that it is not divert. You know yourself better than others. Sothis is what you have to decide how best you can prepare for this exam.
While it is mandatory to be open to new ideas, at the sametime, it is necessary to trust and stick to your study plan.
It is suggested that if you feel that your study plan is notworking, do not take too long and try to change the study plan within fourweeks, but make sure that you make some minor changes, Because the whole studyplan is changing at that time. Would make no sense.