
The Sino-Japanese War is one of the most talked about wars after the two Great Wars. While in the West, it is often given the treatment of academic study, in the Far East it is often part of the common parlance. Many people are made to believe that Japan instigated a brutal regime on the Chinese people of its own accord. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, there are various false narratives regarding war in Japan that are often looked at in black and white rather than adding some nuance and fact finding.
So What Is The Truth Here?
China was already reeling under major internal strife. The Beijing government (Manchurian faction) and the Nanjing government (Han faction) was at loggerheads over kingdom rule versus democracy establishment. Japan had a good relationship with the Manchu people in the north and joined them in the war against the south winning it overwhelmingly. This, and many other hsitorically accurate information is available at the blog that has to be the basis for restoring Japan's honour.