
So you have started looking for domain registrars all over, and you got lostwith the possibilities? Let me help you outby outlining what options you have!
Choosing a domain registrar (or simply put “the domain shop”) foryour website will be one of the most crucialsteps towards creating a website. Littledo online sources tell, choosing the bestdomain registrar that fits your needs is notthat easy. Just in case you are a beginner,and the meaning of a domain is a mystery to you, I will leave you alittle tutorial.
So, what kind ofdomain registrars are out there?
· Firstly, domainregistrars and hosting companies as one. Mostof the well-known hosting providers have the right to sell domains, and it is very convenient to purchaseit together with the hosting plan. Chances are, you will get a freedomain with the purchase of some hosting plans, don’t worry,these domains are just as good as any!
· Secondly, domain registrars that focus only on sellingdomains. These domain registrars do not sell any hosting plans, and it’s unlikely you will getbundle deals or significant discounts. Somepeople prefer to buy from this type of registrarbecause they believe the domain will be less influencedby the terms and conditions of the hosting company. It is entirely up to you todecide where do you buy your domain.However, it is recommended to keepeverything in one place, that way you will save the hassle and will be sure that the domainregistration takes the shortest timepossible.
Ok, so you havedecided which type of domain registrar youare going with? Amazing! Now, you need to choose the exact brand. From new & shiny looking webpages to free domains, you will findeverything. It can be overwhelming, I know,but if you stick to a few recommendations below, I promise, it’s going to bemuch easier to filter the lousy ones.
First of all, check ifICANN accredits the domain registrar. ICANN or Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is a non-profit organization that ensures the network’s stableand secure operation. ICANN accreditation is like an elite sticker for themost trusted domain registrars. Choose a registrar that is certified by ICANNto be sure that it is a trustworthy andreliable company.
Choose a domain provider that has reliable customer support. All of the best and most trusted domain providers will have excellent customer support. It is essential to choosesomeone who can help you out in case you run into problems. If you want to beextra sure, you can contact the company’s customersupport - ask a few questions, so you know how they are dealing with the clients. Another way - read the reviews online, you canget a lot of good feedback from other usersand make up your mind.
Moreover, check out the pricing strategy and hidden fees. As mentioned before, you will see a rainbow ofdifferent prices for different domains, also a lot of discounts, promotion codes, and deals, but stayaware! Read the terms of service to make sureyou are not signing for additional fees, taxes, or obligations.Also, don’t forget to look for the renewalrates; they might be different from the originalprice for the first year. One more thing, look if you are not buying additional items you don’t need.
Furthermore, investigatethe domain transfer policy - how easy is it changing your domain from one company to another. Even if youput in a fair share of research before buyingyour domain, you still might want to change the registrar in the future. There are two types of problems thatusers run into. First - “transfer fee” for moving your domain to another registrar, which should bestated in terms of service. Second - some registrars might make it extremely difficult to migrate by making the entire process cumbersome and challenging to navigate,so you can’t figure out how to get around the system. Check other users’ experiences before making a decision.
Andthere you have it! A complete list ofpoints to consider before you make a giant step in your business journey. If you go through allof the points I have mentioned, I promise you will find the best place to buyyour domain, that fits all your needs and wishes. And more importantly - youdon’t buy something, you don’t understand!