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What after a degreein Journalism in India?
Journalism can be a very lucrativecareer option, especially in countries like India. A degree in journalism canbe a very overwhelming option as it will lead you to a very bright career path.Journalism is writing about the various recent developments that are takingplace at different corners of the world.
Journalists take the help of massmedia like television, newspapers, and magazines to communicate their thoughtsand share their ideas with the audience. The subject is closely related to masscommunication. Journalism has become extremely popular in recent years. Thesubject also involves investigating and analyzing various world events, currentaffairs, the latest trends,etc.
Journalism as a career:
Numerous colleges in India offervarious degrees in Journalism. To become a journalist, you need to completeeither a bachelor's or a master's degree in journalism. However, you don't needto have a master's degree to get a journalist's job. The best way to know moreabout the subject is by working in the fields and interacting with people.
To become an excellent journalist, youneed to have specific skills. The skillset includes an investigative mind,inquisitive nature, confidence, patience, etc. As you acquire more and moreexperience, you get to master the basics of Journalism, and in very few years,you will be able to become a professional in this field
Career prospects and future scope:
The students of journalism can work inpublishing houses, advertising agencies, public relations departments, newschannels, research institutes,etc. A few of the common job profiles that aremean offered to the students of journalism are:
● Public relations officer
● Columnist
● Critic
● News analyst
● Editor
● Television correspondent
Jobs and salary:
Because of the ever-rising popularityof mass media, there will never be a scarcity of jobs for journalism students.There is an abundance of prospects for the candidates. You can easily earnaround 5 to 6 LPA just after completing your graduation. You can also workindependently as a journalist and make a career for yourself.
So, if you are interested injournalism, you can think of making it your full-time career. Also, don't forgetto get yourself admitted to one of the best colleges of Journalism in India fora prosperous career.