
A clean face is a manifestation of beauty. However, this beauty can easily be hindered by various factors, ranging from environmental factors to food choices that can lead to acne on the cheek.
Cheek acne often occurs when hair follicles become clogged by a buildup of oil, dirt, and dead skin cells. According to the best dermatologists, cheek acne is usually a byproduct of environmental factors and everyday things like phone, pillowcases, etc. that come into contact with the face frequently and can aggravate the skin condition.
If you suffer from acne breakouts, here are some tips that can help you prevent them and have clear skin:
Wash your face
The first and foremost procedure to get acne-free skin is to wash your face twice daily. Washing can remove excess oil, impurities or dead skin cells from the surface of your skin and give you clearer complexion. Use a gentle face wash that won't irritate or dry your skin. You can also wash your face with the best acne soap. Besides, always look for products that contain natural ingredients like green tea, cucumber, and chamomile that can cleanse and soothe your skin.
Change your pillowcases
Your pillows are breeding grounds for fungi, bacteria, dirt, dust, and many other allergens. When you sleep, all the impurities transfer from your face to the pillow case, then when you sleep the next night, the same blemishes transfer to your face. Prolonged exposure to these allergens can contribute to acne breakouts. To avoid such a situation, wash your pillows once a week. If your skin is prone to acne, try sleeping with a clean towel over the pillow cover and change it regularly.
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Don't touch your face
Throughout the day, your hands come in contact with a large number of allergens and pollutants that can cause acne. Avoid placing your hands on your cheeks to prevent acne.
Clean your phone
Your phone is one of the biggest contributors to cheek acne. It contains dirt, oils and bacteria that can lead to acne on the cheeks. Hence, you should clean your phone with a disinfectant or disinfectant to neutralize the chances of acne spreading.
Adjust your diet pattern
Incorporate fresh fruits and green vegetables into your diet as they contain all the essential vitamins and minerals that can increase skin tissue production and help you fight acne signs and symptoms. Besides, reduce your consumption of sugar and processed carbohydrates as they increase the production of sebum that may contribute to acne breakouts.
The appearance of acne on the cheeks can hinder your natural beauty. So, follow the preventive measures mentioned above and apply the best acne treatment product in order to have clear and acne-free skin.