
How to go about MPPSC exam preparation?
Let us decode the MPPSC 2021 for the aspirant so that they can devise a perfect strategy to crack the MP State Service Exam 2021.
The Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission MPPSC (State Service Exam) takes place in 3 stages: MPPSC Prelims exam, MPPSC Mains exam, and MPPSC Interview.
How to go about MPPSC exam preparation?
Going by the MPPSC Syllabus 2021, an aspirant should know the important topics that keep on repeating in the exams. The aspirant for MPPSC Exams just needs to have a good understanding of school classes (basically from standard 6th to 12th).
As to start your preparation for the exams one should start reading all the social science books of class 6th to 10th standards. The books can be of MP Board or else it can be NCERT books. Both these books are good and provide a good foundation for the aspirants. While reading all these books you can also complement your knowledge with a book from Lucent General Knowledge.
After you have completed the above subjects with good sense. You can take a print out of the syllabus for MPPSC Exams; believe it there is a reason why it is been emphasized to this point. So please try and do this.
Checkout below subjects, important topics related to them and books for MPPSC to prepare the same:
There are three parts to History: Ancient, Medieval and Modern. Similar to IAS Exam, MPPSC preparation books for History can be more or less the same. For Ancient History, a candidate can follow NCERTs Class 11th and 12th (Old/New.) For Medieval, NCERTs can again come handy. For Modern, an aspirant can either opt for NCERTs or Spectrum by Rajiv Ahir. One can refer to books of MP Board too.
Few things to keep in mind while preparing History for MPPSC exam 2021:
- One source of information for this subject should be sufficient.
- Referring more than one book for History is not correct, which the aspirant can only implement.
- Try to capitalize on your knowledge on the Dates of the occurrences and the Maps of Places.
- Refer to past year MPPSC question papers to get an idea about the topics been covered in the examination.
- The arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence will always help.
Indian and World Geography
There are two sub-topics for Geography which are Physical and Human. To understand both these topics in detail, an aspirant should religiously read NCERTS (Class 6th to 12th) and to get the fodder material on these topics the aspirants should at least read one newspaper daily and should be followed by the candidates.
Indian Polity
The MPPSC gives weight age to topics like- Parliament, State, and Central Legislatures, Panchayati Raj, Legislative Bills in the news or debated, Election Commission, etc. To understand Polity in a crisp manner, one can follow the book Indian Polity by M. Laxmikant. This book can be a one-time resort to both IAS and State Administrative Services’ aspirants.
Indian Economy
Indian Economics is one such subject that can give the candidates from the non-economics background nightmares. However, an aspirant should understand that the questions that are been asked from these topics under it are of generalized form. The questions that are been asked can put your common knowledge on Indian Economics to test. The candidates should understand that unlike the IAS examination, here in the MPPSC state service exams, a few factual questions could also be asked. That is why, one should be clear about the basic concepts of GDP, GNI, and PCI. The topics that can be seen in the news repeatedly like the Repo Rate, MCLR, CRR, Unemployment, Recession, Rupee Depreciation or Appreciation, etc. should be given importance.
General Science and Environment
NCERT or MP Board school textbooks can help an aspirant collect the required information on General Science. For the environment, current affairs can become useful. Also, referring to MPPSC past year question papers can align candidates’ preparation.
MPPSC Current Affairs
Try following the recent trend on how questions are being framed in relation to current affairs; one must religiously follow a national newspaper- preferably- The Hindu. The approach to read the newspaper should be solely aligned with the topics that are included in the MPPSC Syllabus 2021.
With a newspaper, an aspirant can fill in the gaps, by following a monthly magazine like Yojana/Kurukshetra. These magazines should not be read from cover to cover. Only the topics that correspond to the MPPSC Exam Syllabus should be read with special attention to their focal editorial.
Few tips to make MPPSC GK notes in Hindi/English:
- Understand the MPPSC Syllabus first
- Use loose sheets to make mppsc notes so that it becomes easy to add/update the content
- Segregate your mppsc notes into topics like History, Geography, Polity, Economy, etc.
- Note down 5 to 10 points for each topic in the news that is related to the syllabus
- Give attention to Madhya Pradesh regional news page.
Best Books for MPPSC
After going through the syllabus aspirants should follow state board books and NCERT books.
- NCERT Class 10th, 11th, 12th Social Studies Books
- “Indian Polity” by M. Laxmikant (4th Edition and 5th Edition)
- “Spectrum of Modern Indian History” by Rajiv Ahir (Latest Edition)
- An Introduction to Madhya Pradesh by McGraw-Hill Publications (here you can find fact and details related to the state, which can suffice)
- Aspirants can gain more knowledge on Economics from the textbook of Standard 11th & 12th from the Commerce Stream and if the aspirant is not from commerce can refer to books from Ramesh Singh’s Indian Economy (11th Edition) or Sanjiv Verma’s Indian Economy.
These books can help you both in MPPSC Prelims and Mains examinations.
To conclude all the things for the students, a few tips are given below:
- NCERT’s or State Board School textbooks are the key for your clarity on different Topics.
- One reference book per subject should be sufficient for building your knowledge.
- Self-written notes for mppsc should be emphasized and grown upon
- Aligning the current affairs with the syllabus.
- Take help from past MPPSC question papers.
- Revise all the topics periodically.