
When you are preparing for UPSC or about to prepare for IAS, the most pertinent question that candidates ask is – how long should one study to crack the UPSC exam? This is a very subjective question as the number of hours one needs to study varies from one person to another. The online UPSC coaching in Delhi may ask you to study for hours, but this depends entirely on how you study or how seriously you take your academics.
Myths about how to hours to study for IAS
Now, you might ask how to know for how many hours one should study. There are a lot of myths that people come up with regarding the number of study hours. Before getting into the number of hours, let us look at the myths associated with the number of hours an IAS candidate needs to study.
1. UPSC exams are the hardest to pass
You might have some annoying friends and neighbours who will always tell you how hard the exam is. They will try to demotivate you and misguide you. You need to realize that nothing in the world comes easily. An effort is required everywhere. To achieve the best, you need to give your best. Of course, the UPSC exams are tough, but cracking them is not an impossible task. It may require some perseverance and hard work, but success is sure to come your way.
2. Studying for 15 hours is good
If you study for 15 long hours daily, you might have to end up in a mental hospital soon. First of all, none can devote 15 hours a day to such a thing that burns one out. So, along with the academics, your everyday schedule should also include good hours of relaxation, peaceful sleep and some socialization.
3. You will fail if you do not know everything under the sun
The UPSC does not ask you to know everything that happens in this world. This is next to impossible. The civil service provides you with a syllabus that you need to stick to. For reference, you will come across a lot of standard books. The UPSC examiners expect a general and detailed understanding of the concepts. One should have a clear idea about the concepts and learn to handle topics critically.
4. Joining a good coaching center can help you
This is something that you need to get rid of. You will come across many IAS coaching institutes in Delhi that are thriving with hundreds and hundreds of students. However, the strength of the coaching classes does not prove their efficiency. There are a lot of IAS candidates who have cracked the exam even without joining any coaching center. Some people have topped the exam without taking any professional help. Hence, nothing is impossible.
5. The more books you read, the more knowledgeable will you be
Following this rule is sure to lead to information overload and make you confused. Always stick to the UPSC syllabus. You will come across people who will confuse you by asking you to refer to many books. However, do what you are comfortable at.
How many hours should you study?
If you study regularly, then studying for four hours every day is fine. However crazy it may sound, this is all you need. These four hours put your total effort and concentration into your academics. Do not use your phone in between. By the end of one year, you will be fully prepared for the UPSC exam.
Therefore, it is high time to get rid of these myths and concentrate entirely on your academics. By self-study, one can surely pass the UPSC exam, provided one follows the four-hour rule.